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Palaeoclimate dynamics and variability

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Teaching contributions of Kira Rehfeld for each semester can be found on her personal page in the LSF.

Next term SS21

Nächstes Semester SS21

Evolution von physikalischer Klimatologie und Klimamodellierung (PSEM)

Wöchentliches Seminar: Mittwochs 16:15-18:00 (online), beginnend am 4.4.2021

In diesem Seminar werden wir uns mit der Geschichte der Klimawissenschaften und insbesondere der Klimamodellierung beschäftigen. Die Themen werden von der Entdeckung des Treibhauseffekts und der Entwicklung der ersten Klimamodelle hin zum anthropogenen Klimawandel und Attributionsstudien reichen. Der Vortrag jedes Studierenden wird mindestens zwei wissenschaftliche Studien zu einem der Themen behandeln. Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze, sowie auch Informationen zur Anmeldung.

Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelorstudierende und kann als Pflichtseminar (PSEM) angerechnet werden. Registrierung für das Seminar per E-Mail an Elisa Ziegler inklusive der Top 3 Themenwahl. Leider sind alle Plätze bereits belegt, sodass wir im Moment nur noch einen Eintrag auf der Warteliste anbieten können. Die Liste der Themen sowie weitere Informationen des Seminars sind hier.

Earth's climate and environmental dynamics (Oberseminar/Research Seminar)

Research seminar, weekly (Tuesday 4-6pm), online.

In this weekly seminar we discuss current research in science, with a focus on climate and environmental physics, and there are regular presentations by research group members as well as external guests. There is an administrative and scientific component focusing on internal matters of the palaeoclimate dynamics and variability research group. Those interested in participation are welcome to contact Kira Rehfeld.

Current term WS20/21

Introduction to climate modelling and climate data analysis

Weekly lecture + practice group : Wed 14:15-15:45 lecture, Wed 16:15-17:45 practice group (online). Starting 4.11.2020

This lecture is part of the specialization in Environmental Physics within the Master’s programme in physics. Previous knowledge of the general lecture on environmental physics (MKEP4) and/or specialization courses (e.g., radiative transfer, Atmospheric/Aquatic Physics), or equivalent courses is expected. Knowledge of a programming language (Python and/or R) is advantageous.

The course addresses

  1. The underlying physical and chemical processes of the terrestrial climate system, how the relevant compartments of the Earth (i.e. atmosphere, ocean cryosphere, biosphere, lithosphere) interact, and how their properties are determined by the various internal and external boundary conditions and constraints provided on the various spatial and temporal time scales.
  2. Modeling techniques for the evolution of the climate system. We will cover energy balance models, atmospheric/oceanic general circulation models and models of the coupled Earth system.
  3. Methods for the characterization and attribution of the dynamics of the climate system.

The course is planned with weekly pre-recorded lectures, a Q&A and a tutorial session. Lectures and exercises will lead towards a joint modeling and data analysis project using a climate model of intermediate complexity.

Technical details will be given to the registered participants. Due to the uncertain development of the pandemic we plan to use HeiCONF for virtual sessions and Moodle for the distribution of material. A limited number of exercise sessions may take place in presence. Registration here.


Measuring, reconstructing and modelling Earth's climate variability across spatial and temporal scales (PSEM / MVSem Seminar)

Weekly seminar: Tuesdays 16:15-18:00 (online), starting 3.11.2020

This seminar takes us on a journey through the different scales of the Earth's climate system from turbulent wind currents to orbital changes in irradiance. Thereby, we will ask ourselves how climate variability can be characterized, measured, and modelled on these scales, and, not least, what this means in terms of global heating. Click here for more information. The registration is closed.

The seminar can be either included into Bachelor studies ("Plichtseminar", i.e. PSEM) or Master studies (mandatory advanced seminar, i.e. MVSem). Link to LSF.


Palaeoclimate and Environmental Dynamics (Oberseminar/Research Seminar)

Research seminar, weekly (Tuesday 3-4pm), online.

In this weekly seminar we discuss current research in science, with a focus on climate and environmental physics, and there are regular presentations by research group members as well as external guests. There is an administrative and scientific component focusing on internal matters of the palaeoclimate dynamics and variability research group. Those interested in participation are welcome to contact Kira Rehfeld.


Previous Terms

Claims of climate denialists: a skeptical discussion based on Physics and Earth Sciences (Advanced Research Seminar)

Block seminar: 3./4.8.2020 (9am-5pm), INF 229, SR 108/110

Note that the time of the block seminar will be updated once the time/date of the exam week is clarified, as the COVID-19 situation becomes more clear. The alternative date is 29./30.9.2020 (9am-5pm).

This seminar will consist of focused discussion of 10-12 common arguments of climate denialists, based on student-prepared presentations. Click here for more information.


Palaeoclimate and Environmental Dynamics (Oberseminar/Research Seminar)

Research seminar, weekly (Tuesday 4-6pm), INF 229, SR 410

In this weekly seminar we discuss current research in science, with a focus on climate and environmental physics, and there are regular presentations by research group members as well as external guests. There is an administrative and scientific component focusing on internal matters of the palaeoclimate dynamics and variability research group. Those interested in participation are welcome to contact Kira Rehfeld.