PANGA - Program for the Analysis of Noble Gas data


Developed by Dr. Michael Jung
Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University

Described in: Jung, M. and Aeschbach, W., 2018. A new software tool for the analysis of noble gas data sets from (ground)water. Environ. Modell. Software 103: 120-130.

When using PANGA for your research, please cite the above original reference.

Michael Jung:
Werner Aeschbach:


Installation Packages

An updated version (1.2) of PANGA is available since 2021. It includes more precise noble gas solubilities and therefore is the recommended version to use. Details about the changes can be found here.

Windows 64 bit: PANGA_1.2_win64.exe

The source code is available on the PANGA site on GitHub.
The latest version of the installers can also be found on the PANGA releases page on GitHub.

The installation packages of the version from 2018 are still available:

Windows 32 bit: PANGA_1.1_win32.exe
Windows 64 bit: PANGA_1.1_win64.exe
MacOS: PANGA_1.1_OSX.dmg


Further Useful Files

Manual: PANGA_manual.pdf is a manual explaining how to work with PANGA.
Test input file: samples.csv is an examplary input file containing three samples.

Test data set Belgium used in Jung and Aeschbach, 2018: Complete_Input_Data_Samples_Belgium.xls
Belgium data input file for PANGA: Inputfile_PANGA_Samples_Belgium.csv


Used Libraries

PANGA makes use of the following libraries:

The Qwt library ( The Qwt library and its use are covered by the Qwt License, Version 1.0.
The Qt project ( The Qt libraries and their use are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1.
The Eigen template library (
The MINPACK algorithm coming with the Eigen library (Copyright notice and license).
The Boost libraries (
The zlib library (
Only in the 64bit Windows version: The winpthreads library (Copyright notice and license