Note: This list is not complete due to data privacy regulations. Is your entry missing? Please check in with our IT admins.
Name | Room number | Phone number | Research Group |
Aeschbach, Werner | 229/ R434 | 6331 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Albrecht, Maximilian | 229/ R204 | 5304 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Arck, Yannis | 229/ R440 | 6313 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Arnedo, Inigo | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | |
Arul, Karthikeyan | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Bacho, Buhar | 229/ R306 | Physics of Environmental Archives | |
Balschbach, Günther | 229/ R412 | 6336 | xxxx |
Baumbusch, Clara | xxxx | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Beisel, Elvira | 229/ R506 | 6480 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Benetatos, Rebekka | 229/ R426 | 6350 | Secretariat |
Benthen, Maximilian | 229/ R442 | 6316 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Berg, Matthias | Air-Sea Interactions | ||
Blohm, Kirsten | 229/ R306 | 6510 | Troposphere, Free Radicals and Volcanic Emissions |
Bobrowski, Nicole | Extern | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Brinkmann, Jakob | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | ||
Brocker, Kathrin | 229/ R416 | 6386 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Butz, André | 229/ R424 | 6310 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Cello, Simon | 229/ R344 | 6318 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Charuvil, Harikrish | 229/ R324 | 6309 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Cymanek, Lisa | 229/ R442 | 6313 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Della Coletta, Julian | Ber.53/ L118 | 6376 | CARBON |
Dong, Yuanxu | Air-Sea Interactions | ||
Eckert, Hannah | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | ||
Eckhardt, Henrik | 5477 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes | |
Eichstädter, René | 229/ R162 / R166 | 5480/ 6389 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Enders, Vincent | xxxx | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Engelhardt, Edith | 229/ R436 | 6385 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Feuerle, Marius | 229/ R340 | 5477 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Fiedler, Stephanie | 229/ R428 | 6352 | Clim |
Foshag, Kathrin | INF348/ R011 | 5587 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Frank, Norbert | 229/ R420 | 6332 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Friari, Niklas | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Frieß, Udo | 229/ R310 | 5478 | Troposphere, Free Radicals and Volcanic Emissions |
Gabriel, Sonja | 229/ R326 | 6317 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Gachkivskyi, Maksym | ber.53/ R118 | 6376 | CARBON |
Gassama, Angelika | 229/ R224 | 5476 | Administration |
Gassama, Angelika | 229/ R224 | 5476 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Gehrig, Sebastian | 229/ R078 | 6396 / 6392 | On-site Workshop |
Glauch, Theo | Extern | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Gonser, Till | Carbon- and Waterisotopes | ||
Graner, Nick | xxxx | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Greve, Sahra | 229/ R416 | 6386 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Grossmann, Julian | 229/ R306 | 6510 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Gutmayer, Stephanie | 229/ R506 | Physics of Environmental Archives | |
Haas, Pia | 229/ R202 | 6379 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Haeffner, Lukas | Extern | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Haertling, Mathis | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Hammer, Samuel | Ber.53/ R116 | 6357 | CARBON |
Hiemisch, Marika | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Hieronimus, Emmy | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Hiller, Johannes | 229/ R204 | 5304 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Hoelkermann, Dana | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Hofmann, Dennis | 229/ R118 | 6542 | Air-Sea Interactions |
Holzbeck, Philip | 229/ R204 | 5304 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Huth, Paris | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Jähne, Bernd | 229/ R163 / / Mathematikon B | 6547 / 14860 | Air-Sea Interactions |
Juchem, Hannes | Labor | xxxx | CARBON |
Just, Kira | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Keller, Caterina | Ber.53/ L119 | 6377 | CARBON |
Kindermann, Carl | Carbon- and Waterisotopes | ||
Kindermann, Carl | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Kleinschek, Ralph | 229/ R342 | 6495 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Knaack, Timo | Ber53/ L119 | 6377 | CARBON |
Koch, David | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | ||
Kolb, Celine | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Krall, Kerstin | 6542/ L-6628/ L-6403 | Air-Sea Interactions | |
Kroker, Marcia | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere | ||
Kuehn, Pernilla | 229/ R336 | 6512 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Kuhn, Leon | 229/ R306 | 6510 | Troposphere, Free Radicals and Volcanic Emissions |
Kühr, Sabine | Ber.53/ L133 | 6333 | CARBON |
Langenbacher, Linus | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Leuzinger, Arne | 229/ R414 | 6315 | Clim |
Lo, Nicolas | Clim | ||
Loevenich, Francisca | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Löw, Benedikt | 229/ R402 | 6353 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Lueken-Winkels, Christopher | 229/ R320 | 6314 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Maier, Fabian | 229/ R344 | 6318 | CARBON |
Maiwald, Robert | 229/ R308 | 6527 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Matzke, Marlene | Atmospheric Remote Sensing | ||
Meienburg, Florian | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | |
Mertens, Alexandra | 6381 | On-site Workshop | |
Metz, Eva-Marie | 229/ R308 | 6527 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Michel, Lea | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | |
Mielke, Aaron | 234/ R602 | 5931 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Missoni, Max | CARBON | ||
Mundorf, David | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | |
Negele, Sophie | 6556 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | |
Neumann, Marit | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Neumann, Nicolas | 229/ R204 | 5304 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Neuner, Luca | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Ntefidou, Athina | xxxx | xxxx | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Petranovic, Katrin | 229/ Labor | xxxx | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Pfeifer, Ralph | 229/ R074 | 6391/ 6538/ 6539 | On-site Workshop |
Pfeilsticker, Klaus | 229/ R316 | 6529 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Pilz, Lukas | 229/ R320 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere | |
Platt, Ulrich | 229/ R418 | 6339 | Troposphere, Free Radicals and Volcanic Emissions |
Plewa, Thomas | 229/ R336 | 6512 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Preunkert, Susanne | Ber.53/ L114 | 6359 | CARBON |
Ram, Roi | 229/ R436 | 6385 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Rampmeier, Johanna | 229/ R344 | 6318 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Reiter, Leonardo | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Reith, Sarah | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Resch, Lennart | 229/ R202 | 6379 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Reventlow, Bertram | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Sabasch, Michael | 229/ R338 | 6311 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Sapper, Stefan | Ber.53/ L133 | 6333 | CARBON |
Sarnighausen, Claus | 6528 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere | |
Sarnighausen, Claus | 6528 | Clim | |
Schaefter, Natalie | 229/ R438 | 6556 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Schäfer, Stefan | 229/ R216 | 6387/ 6550 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Schaffert, Antonia | 229/ Labor | xxxx | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Scheidweiler, Leonie Olivia | 229/ R320 | 6314 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Schell, Doreen | 229/ R414 | 6315 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Schmidt, Martina | 229/ R322 | 5481/ L6393 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |
Schmidt, Christina | 229/ R312 | 6334 | Luftchemie-Airyx |
Schorndorf, Nils | INF 234/ Rxxx | xxxx | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Schröder-Ritzrau, Andrea | 229/ R346 | 4127 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Schroepfer, Laura | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Schwalbe, Zoe | CARBON | ||
Scott, Stanley | 229/ R442 | 6316 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Seifert, Jana | Ber.53/ Labor | xxxx | CARBON |
Siegel, Tim | 229/ Labor | xxxx | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Sindram, Moritz | xxxx | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Slawik, Alexander | 234/ R603 | xxxx | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Sommani, Anna | 229/ R336 | 6512 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
Sommer, Heribert | 229/ R073 | 6538 | On-site Workshop |
Speith, Simon | 229/ R414 | 6315 | Clim |
Sreekumar, Sreedev | Atmospheric Remote Sensing | ||
Stange, Marie | 229/ R334 | 6354 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Steinberg, Amelie | Physics of Environmental Archives | ||
Thiemann, Lennart | 229/ R204 | 5304 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Thomas, Karoline | 229/ R430 | 6337 | Administration |
Urbach, Kerstin | 229/ R414 | 6315 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Vardag, Sanam | 229/ R330 | 6511 | Simulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere |
von Buenau, Kenneth | 229/ R202 | 6379 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Voss, Karolin | 229/ R308 | 6527 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Wachs, David | 227/ 02.317 | 5174 | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) |
Warken, Sophie | INF 234/ R603 | 96029 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Waza, Andebo | 229/ R414 | 6315 | Clim |
West, Christoph | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | ||
Weyland, Ben | 229/ R324 | 6309 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Wietzel, Julia | 6556 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes | |
Woerne, Hanna | Hydrospheric Tracer and Proxies (HydroTraP) | ||
Wolf, Jana | xxxx | Atmospheric Remote Sensing | |
Wu, Yao | 6517 | Physics of Environmental Archives | |
Xu, Antao | 229/ R404 | 6514 | Physics of Environmental Archives |
Zeleny, Maren | 229/ R336 | Carbon- and Waterisotopes |