Cities are responsible for about 70% of the global fossil fuel carbon dioxide (ffCO2) emissions, which have led to a strong increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Therefore, it is important to estimate and validate the ffCO2 emissions from urban hotspot regions. A powerful tool for independently estimating surface CO2 fluxes from atmospheric CO2 concentration measurements is the so-called atmospheric transport inversion. However, additional tracers like radiocarbon (14C) or carbon monoxide (CO) are needed to separate the ffCO2 emissions from natural CO2 fluxes.
In my presentation, I derive ∆ffCO2 excess concentrations with respect to a less polluted background by using flask-based ∆14CO2 observations and continuous CO measurements from the urban Heidelberg observation site. By putting the 14C-based and CO-based ∆ffCO2 estimates into a regional atmospheric transport inversion system, I assess their potential to deduce the seasonal cycle of the ffCO2 emissions in the Upper Rhine Valley metropolitan region. I reveal that the continuous CO-based ∆ffCO2 concentration estimates provide robust seasonal cycles that show the distinct COVID-19 signal in 2020 and are suitable for validating the amplitude and phasing of the seasonal cycle of the emission inventories in the main footprint of Heidelberg.