Melinda Tanriverdi O has accomplished her bachelor thesis on cold-water coral reef time constants

Melinda Tanreverdi O

Melinda Tanreverdi O conducted her bachelor thesis on the timing of col-water coral reef development using the Heidelberg Th/U age data collection. She analysed the vertical accumulation of the coral mounds, built up by coral growth, decline and subsequent erosion and sedimentation. The non-linear aggradation of such coral mounds could be studied for the entire Atlantic Ocean independent of the major underlying climate boundary conditions. The average life cycle time of vertical coral reproduction and mound aggradation was determined to 5 ka, with an average aggradation rate is 55 cm/ka, which is 20 times less than the individual coral skeleton growth rate. First attempts were made for a general mathematical expression of mound evolution. We congratulate Melinda for her revision of our data collection and the exciting time scales that came to light and which her all the best for the future.