Eva worked out the history of southern Atlantic deep water circulation and Nd cycling since the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. She has generate world-unique records of Nd isotopes…
- A paper published today in Science uses radiocarbon (14C) data to show that existing climate models underestimate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is taken up by global…
- Marvin Knapp and colleagues demonstrate how to image carbon dioxide exhaust plumes from powerplants and other localized sources using a hyperspectral camera. The instrument collects…
- Florian has accomplished his science projet to test an hypothesis emitted on the role of cave carbon dioxide levels on the growth of speleothems. He has used the MPI Hamburg climate…
- Antje Hoheisel and Martina Schmidt present a 6-year time record of in situ methane and its carbon isotope composition δ(13C,CH4), measured with a cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS)…
- Dana Hölkermann has continued our search for a better understanding of the stable isotope composition of skeleton fluid water in cold-water corals during her bachelor study project. The…
- Sanam Vardag and Robert Maiwald employ the atmospheric transport model GRAMM/GRAL in a Bayesian inversion process to assess urban CO2 emissions at a neighborhood level.
- Ida investigated in her bachelor thesis the uranium isotope ratio 234U/238U of a coral off the coast of Yucatan which is part of the Puerto Morelos Coral Reef. The seawater surrounding…
- We congratulate Lisa Hessenthaler for a fantastic bachelor thesis on the best practice for ICPQMS Li/Mg measurements on cold-water corals and a unique assessment of the temperature…