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Physics of Environmental Archives

Radiocarbon Laboratory
Carbon dioxide extraction from speleothem samples and carbon graphitization to trace the past global carbon cycle
Cold-water Corals
Reef-forming cold water corals are a unique archive to study the climate and dynamics of the present and past ocean
Th/U Laboratory
Preparation of the samples for high-precision Th/U dating requires the chemical purification of both trace elements from natural samples
Stalagmites are an important archive to study past continental climate via stable and radioactive isotopes, based on ultra-high precision chronologies
Ocean Tracers
Climate driven cycles of heat and carbon in the ocean are studied through the use of trace isotopes such as radiocarbon
Preparation of high-precision isotope measurements with semi-automated multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers
234U/238U ratio of seawater since the last ice-age as measured through U-series dating of cold-water and tropical corals traces continental freshwater runoff

We study present and past climate. Ultra-high precision U-series- and Radiocarbon dating yield the timing of climate events and allows to study the evolution of climate archives, such as corals and continental secondary carbonates. Trace elements and rare isotopes allow us to fingerprint climate system properties, processes, and biogeochemical cycles. In easy physics words we search for the function of climate variables X(t,r) and the climate sensitivity of λ(X) beyond time scales of instrumental observations.


About four area's of research are our source of curiosity, enthusiasm, and excitement.

Thermocline Ocean Dynamics viewed through Cold-water Corals


The skeletons of deep dwelling corals provide measures of past water mass dynamics throughout the Atlantic and Mediterranean Ocean. Framework forming species can build giant reefs that in cases provide semi-continuous records of past climate at unprecedented age precision. Our most valuable tracers are radiocarbon, radiogenic Nd-isotopes, and the Li/Mg ratio, which offer information on the state of ventilation, water mass provenance, and temperature. Many other geochemical and isotope tracers are valuable to study nutrient cycling, continental discharge and weathering. Please see the publication list and news for our recent findings. The DFG has supported our work through a number of projects:

(1) DFG project : The marine 234U/238U isotopic ratio in the past

(2) DFG project : Atlantic Radiocarbon Calibration using framework forming cold water corals

(3) DFG funded Cruise M151 ATHENA: Atlantic surface and thermocline ocean dynamics and ecosystems through natural climate alteration

230Th/U Age determination

view of the inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer laboratory

Since a century does the knowledge about U-decay series provide important geochronological toolboxes. In recent decades the methods improved in feasibility and precision through high transmission and high mass resolving spectrometry. We contribute to the future development and applications of this technology. We constantly improve the methods, revise data treatment to push the analytical limits and to foster new routes for absolute U-series chronologies of climate archives, such as corals, speleothems, and many other suitable materials. Better chronologies of climate archives are central to a better understanding of past climate change. The DFG supported our work through a number of projects:

(1) DFG (SPP2299) : Quantifying post Little-Ice-Age freshwater influences and ocean dynamics in the Central American Sea using a novel tracer combination: 234U/238U– (P)SST – 14C

(2) DFG: Speleothem based quantification of precipitation and aridity and its role for Maya cultural development on the northern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(3) DFG: The marine 234U/238U isotopic ratio in the past

(4) DFG: Atlantic Radiocarbon Calibration using framework forming cold water corals

(5) DFG: Radiocarbon in speleothems- II

(6) DFG: Radiocarbon in speleothems -I

Past Ocean Dynamics using Nd-Isotopes and Radiocarbon

sediment coring

Since the late 90's the radiogenic isotope ratio of 143Nd/144Nd has become an important new toolbox in paleoceanography to trace deep ocean circulation pathways and water mass provenance. The Nd cycle in the Ocean remains, however, debated and studies of seawater, sediments and corals are needed to better constrain the modern Nd cycle and its past evolution driven by its sources and sinks and ocean dynamics.  The use of radiocarbon as an ocean circulation and biological life cycle tracers is well admitted since the late 60's. Due to massive improvements in accelerator mass spectrometery, radiocarbon has become a major tracer for ocean circulation studies hinting on the formation time of water masses and there mixing today and in the past. The research has benefited from a strong support through the DFG SPP527 International Ocean Discovery Program  program with numerous funded projects:

(1) DFG: Searching the proposed Northern Source of the MPT start of the 100-ka climate cyclicity

(2) DFG: The climate sensitivity of Nd-isotopes in the deep Atlantic since the MPT

(3) DFG: Ocean circulation through MIS 11

(4) DFG: 900ka Variation der Nordatlantischen Tiefenwasser-Isotopie von Neodym

(5) DFG: Die Ozeanzirkulation im Wechsel zwischen Glazial und Interglazial - hochaufgelöste Messungen von Neodym-Isotopien an atlantischen IODP/ODP Kernen

Speleothem Modelling, fluid inclusions, and the soil carbon cycle

speleothem sampling with diamant saw

The reconstruction of past climate has seen a massive growth of studies using cave deposits such as speleothems. Those form from CaCO3 oversaturated drip waters. Thanks to 230Th/U dating precise chronology can be obtained and a wealth of geochemical trace elements and isotopes can be studies to retrieve past climate. Only few  proxies deliver quantitative climate reconstruction though and modelling remains a rare objective. We concentrate on the chronology and the use of radiocarbon (14C) as a tool to calibrate atmospheric 14C, and to detect past vegetation changes and soil carbon cycle dynamics. In recent years we have moved to couple climate model outputs to a geochemical groundwater model as to simulate the composition and even shape of such deposits in dependence of chaning environmental conditions. Lastly, using fluids trapped in the speleothems the isotopic composition of past drip waters can be reconstructed. Funded projects include:

(1) DFG: Radiocarbon in speleothems- II

(1) DFG: Speleothem based quantification of precipitation and aridity and its role for Maya cultural development on the northern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

(1) DFG: Radiocarbon in speleothems -I

Infra-Structure and innovation

Since 2021 we have continously enhanced our infra-structure now including several mass spectrometer facilities. The technology was funded by the State Baden Württemberg and the DFG and benefits through the support of its users. Find more information on the analytical possibilities and developped methods on the Service page of the team. All instruments are regrouped as part of an Environmental Trace Isotope Infra-structure - ETIS

ETIS - Part I

In 2014 the DFG has funded the infra-structure through the grant INST35-1143 FUGG together with the Science & Innovation fond Baden Württemberg.

the way to a new lab in a few image thumbs

A laser - ablation multicollector inductiely coupled plasma source mass sprectrometer facility (LA-MC-ICPMS) was established in Heidelberg. Various laboratories have been refurbished and equipped with a ThermoFisher Neptune-plus and New Wave 193 Laser Ablation system. Further equipement include an inductively coupled plasma source quadrupole mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher iCAP-Q) and an Elemental Scientific Prepfast System for automated chemistry. The short report on the first 3 years use of the instruments can be found here.

ETIS - Part II

In 2015 the DFG and the S & I fond Baden Württemberg  funded a second part of the infra-structure through the grant INST35-1270 FUGG, which was subsequently installed and is running operational.

IRMS Thermo FIscher MAT253

An isotope ratio mass sprectrometer with a particular multi-cup system and coupled to a Gasbench II was established in Heidelberg. With this infra-structure we conduct research on stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in carbonates and air. The instrument was implemented by the former team of Dr. Tobias Kluge and is presently further developped for continuous atmospheric clumped isotope measurements in CO2 by the team of Dr. Martina Schmidt to conduct clumped isotope studies of atmospheric air.


The University Heidelberg and the DFG have jointly funded in 2015 a further piece of the infrastructure, which includes a fluid inclusion line to extract water trapped in speleothems or corals or other materials. The former Kiel device has been refurbished and coupled to a CRDS water istope analyser, which provides water isotope measurements of fluid inclusions.

The Team

Group Photo 2024

The team in late October 2023. To view the team in the years since 2013 and other related team images go to the gallery page below or click here. See also our Hall of Fame of the successful PhD students (click here).

Present Members

Norbert Frank,  Professor,  - LINKS: ORCID Image removed.orcid.org/0000-0002-0416-9546 (Physics of Environmental Archives)

Karoline Thomas, Secretary

Andrea Schroeder-Ritzrau,  Researcher - LINKS: ORCID Image removed.orcid.org/0000-0002-8900-2445

René Eichstaedter, Technician  - Massspectrometry -

Sophie Warken,  Researcher (Team Leader*), - LINKS: ORCID Image removed.orcid.org/0000-0003-3293-9074 (*Speleothem Climate Science and Tropical Climate Variability)

Antao Xu, Postdoc, - LINKS: ORCID Image removed.orcid.org/0000-0002-5644-0852

Eva Rückert, Postdoc   - Paleoceanography -

Nils Schorndorf, PhD  - Speleothem Climate Science *

Elvira Beisel, PhD - Thermocline Ocean Dynamics, Radiocarbon - Image removed.0009-0006-4439-5675

Yao Wu, PhD - Speleothem Climate Science and Modelling *

Aaron Mielke, PhD - Tropical climate variability *

Sahra Greve, PhD - Tropical climate variability *

Celine Kolb, Master - Speleothem Climate Science and Fluid inclusions *

Karthik Arul, Master - Th/U dating, mass spectrometry -

Fabian Schneider, Master - U - isotopes in seawater -

Hannah Janecke, Master - U - isotopes in seawater -

Buhar Bacho, Master - Paleoceanography -

Stefanie Gutmayer, Master - Speleothem - Climate Modelling -

Alexander Slavik, Master - Speleothem Climate Science *

Emma Gerlach, Bachelor - Tropical Climate Change *

Julia Meissner, Bachelor - Tropical Climate and U isotopes in seawater -

Henri Wagner, Bachelor - Speleothem dating

Amelie Tabea Steinberg - Cold-water Corals and climate

Marius Feuerle, HiWi - U-Isotope Chemistry -

Carmen Schöfer, HiWi - ICPQMS -

Laura Schröpfer, HiWi - Nd Isotopes in Corals -

Louisa Brückner, HiWi - Geochronology, Nd isotopes -

* (co) Supervised by Dr. Sophie Warken's group on Speleothem Climate Science and Tropical Climate Variability

Guest Scientists

Augusto Mangini


Jasmin Link, postdoc (2021-2022) / Steffen Therre, postdoc (2020-2022) / Marleen Lausecker, postdoc (2022), at AWI Bremerhaven / Quentin Dubois-Dauphin, postdoc (2019), at IPG, Paris ResearchGate / Lucile Bonneau, postdoc (2015-2017) ResearchGate / Jens Fohlmeister, postdoc (2012-2015), BFS - Berlin, Germany/ Monterro-Serano**, postdoc (2006-2007), Prof. Marin Geochemistry, Rimouski, Canada / Paolo Montagna, MC - OIF, postdoc (2009-2010), Senior Scientist, IPR, Bologna, Italy / Qingfeng Shao**, postdoc (2012) Prof. Geochronology, Nanjing Normal University, China / Freya Hemsing , PhD (2013-2017), postdoc (2017-2018) LinkedIn / Jörg Lippold , postdoc (2013-2015) / Michael Deininger , postdoc (2015-2016) / Qiong Wu**, PhD, (2010-2014) Researcher, Tongji University, Shanghai, China / Jörn Profe, MSC (2015) Researcher & Lecturer, Universität Giessen, Geoinformatics & Remote Sensing, Germany / Inga Kerber, PhD (2019-2023) / Evan Border, PhD (2016-2020) / Thomas Krengel, PhD (2016-2020) / Patrick Blaser, PhD (2013-2017) ResearchGate / Jennifer Arps, PhD (2013-2017) LinkedIn / Kevin Copard**, MSC, PhD (Earth Sciences, Orsay)(2006-2010) / Pauline Seubert (MSc Physics) (2022-2023)/ Moritz Hallmaier (MSc Physics) (2022-2023) / Achim Retzbach (MSc Physics) (2021-2022) / Athulya Babu, MSc (Physics) (2021-2022) / Judith Gafriller, MSc (Physics) (2021-2022) / Alexander Hubig, MSc (Physics) (2021-2022) / Emma Gerlach BSC (Physics) (2024) / Cedric Becker BSC (2024) / Antonia Wantzen BSC (Physics) (2023-2024) / Carmen Schöfer BSC (Physics) (2023-2024) / Laura Schröpfer BSC (Physics) (2023-2024) / Florian Dyroff, BSC (Physics) (2023/2024) / Clara Harms, BSC (Physics) (2023/2024) / Dana Hölkermann, BSC (Physics) (2023/2024) / Lisa Hessenthaler, BSC (Physics) (2023/2024) / Ida Schatz BSC (Physics) (2023/2024) / Raymond Philipp Hubbert, BSC (Physics) (2023) / Max Stellbrink BSC (Physics) (2023) / Luisa Stuhrmann, BSC (Physics) (2023) / Amrei Grund, BSC (Physics) (2022-2023) / Melinda Tanreverdi O , BSC (Physics) (2023) / Joven Singh Mandair , BSC (Physics) (2023) / Felix Adrian , BSC (Physics) (2022) / Ruben Zeitler , BSc (Physics) (2023) / Mareike Reiser , BSC (Physics) (2023) / Jakob Brinkman (BSc Physics) (2022) / Marius Feuerle (BSc Physics) (2022) / Marika Hiemisch, BSC (Physics) (2022) / Selina Pohl, BSC (Physics) (2022) / Laura Lütkes, MSc (Physics) (2020 - 2021) / Franziska Masuch, (PEP1 - Assitent HiWi) / Niklas Merz, BSc (Physics) (2022) / Riccardo Lizio, BSc (Physics) (2022) / Arvinash Singam, BSc (Physics) (2021) / Fabian Kontor, BSc (Physics) (2021) / Johanna Rampmeier, BSc (Physics) (2021) / Celine Kolb, BSC (Physics) (2021) / Markus Miltner, MSc (Physics) (2020) University Grenoble / Simon Steidle, MSC (Physics) (2018-2019), University Innsbruck / Ann-Kristin Kunz, (Th/U HiWi) (2021) /  Lea Kuchalski, BSC (Physics) (2020) / Aaron Mielke, BSC (Physics) (2020) / Jonas Schandl, BSC (Physics) (2019) / Charlotte König, (HiWi- ICPMS) (Physics) (2018-2019) / Paul Müller, BSC (Physics) (2019) / Sandra Rybakiewicz, (Th/U HiWi) (2017-2019) / Christoph Dornick, MSC (Physics) (2018-2019) / Jan Kamm, BSC (Physics) (2018-2019) / Hannah Rosenthal, BSC (Physics) (2017-2018) / Ronja Speicher, Physicist (2018) / Frerk Pöppelmeier, MSC (Physics) (2014 -2016) / Lukas Proß, Bachelor (Physics) (2018) / Amrei Glasder, Diploma (Physics) (2017-2018) / Paul Roßteutscher, BSc (Physics) (2017-2018) / Hannah Schneider, MSC (Geology) (2018) / Simon Sauer, MSC (Physics) (2017-2018) / Marvin Bobrowski, MSC (Physics)(2016-2017) / Anne-Marie Wefing, BSc and MSC (Physics) (2014, 2017), ETH , Zürich / Jorge Manuel Sanchez, MSC (Physics) (2016) / Michelangelo Tagliavini, BSC (Physics) (2018) / Simon Ritter, MSC (Geology) (2015) / Christian Wirths, BSC (Physics) (2018) / Carla Roesch, BSC (Physics) (2017) / Kai Nakajima, BSC (Physics) (2016) / Alexander Hubig, BSC (Earth Sciences) (2015) / Hannah Nowitzki, MSC (Physics) (2015), IUP - Bremen / Richard Dietrich, BSC (Physics) (2015) / Henrik Eckhardt, BSC (Physics) (2015) / Barbara Henrich, BSC (Earth Sciences) (2014) / Kai Kaeser, BSC (Earth Science) (2014) / Niclas Rieger, BSC (Physics) (2014) / Astrid Waldner, MSC (Physics) (2014) / Kathrin Leutz, MSC, (Geography) (2014) /  Estelle Ricard**, MSc (Earth Sciences, Orsay)(2006) / Marion  Tressens Fedou**, MSc (Earth Sciences, Orsay)(2005) / Sebastian Boulay**, PhD (Earth Sciences, Orsay) (2003-2006) / Ronzon Mallick*, PhD (Earth Sciences) (1997-2000) / Stefanie Seumer*, MSc (Physics) (1997) / Maria Breu*, MEduc (Physics/Mathematics) (1996) / Margarethe Braun*, MSc (Physics) (1996) / Stefan Kühn*, MSc (Physics) (1996) / Stefan Kessler*, MSc (Physics) (1995) / Anke Scholz*, MSc (Physics) (1995) / Christine Hass*, MEdu (Physics/Mathematics) (1994) / Dieter Pech*, MSC (Physics) (1994) 

* Alumni of the research group of Prof. Augusto Mangini which I had co-supervised
** Students supervised by Prof. Christophe Colin at University Paris XI, Orsay, France and alumni of the former research group GEOTRAC at LSCE



We teach in both Physics and Earth Sciences. Statistics (and R programing) is developed by Martina Schmidt and 'The Physics and Chemistry of the Ocean' is part of our training in geochemistry. In Physics, our focus is clearly 'Environmental Physics' (MKEP4). The bachelor seminar on 'Isotope methods in Environmental Physics' and the practical excercise (F55) 'Rayleigh fractionation' has become a very successful series. Our course program is on LSF.  A detailed list and description (however without the scripts, movies, and other material) can be found here.

The physics, earth science and general scientific training of students is, however, best done through exciting science projects, which constitute a very significant effort of our teaching program (see the list of accomplished projects below). If you want to get involved? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us - see people !

Accomplished Bachelor-, Master- and PhD Theses

(Bachelor- and Master Thesis documents can be assessed via the internal libary pages)

(N=107 since 2013)

(*(Co) Supervised by Dr. Sophie Warken's group on Speleothem Climate Science and Tropical Climate Variability)


  1. Investigating the Growth History of Two Tropical Coral Cores from La Parguera, Puerto Rico
    Emma Gerlach (BA 2024)*
  2. Einfluss von Saisonalitäten und Starkregenereignissen auf Spurenelemente in einem Stalagmiten aus Yucatán, Mexiko
    Marie Stange (BA 2024)*
  3. Interhemispheric Deep Water Exchange Revealed by Authigenic Neodymium Isotopes in the Southern Atlantic Ocean During the Last One Million Years
    Eva Rückert (PhD 2024) (go to)
  4. Revealing Early Anthropogenic Influence on Precipitation Trends and Variability through a High-Resolution Stalagmite Record from the Yucat´an Peninsula in Mexico
    Antonia Wantzen (BA 2024)*
  5. eNd-Signatures and Radiogenic Overprinting in Cold-Water Corals near the Azores
    Carmen Schöfer (BA 2024)
  6. Neodym-Isotopie von Kaltwasserkorallen von der Galizia Bank: 600 Jahre Präsenz von Mittelmeerwasser
    Laura Schröpfer (BA 2024)
  7. Simulating Stalagmites PR-LA-1 & PR-LA-B1: A comprehensive Study of the Larga Cave
    Florian Dyroff (BA 2024)
  8. Interplay Between Local and Global Influences on the Neodymium Isotopic Composition of a Southern Ocean Sediment Core
    Clara Harms (BA 2024)
  9. δ18O and δD in skeleton water of cold-water corals
    Dana Hölkermann (BA 2024)
  10. δ234U in tropischen Korallen an der Küste Yucatans: Uran als Frischwassertracer
    Ida Schatz (BA 2024)
  11. Optimierung der ICP-MS-Messsequenz für die Li/Mg-Temperaturrekonstruktion bei Kaltwasserkorallen nahe der Azorenfront
    Lisa Hessenthaler (BA 2024)


  1. Precision, timing and frequency distribution of Th/U dated secondary carbonates
    Inga Kerber (PhD 2023) (go to)*
  2. A full year of cave monitoring in Erdmannshöhle - Cave characterisation and climate implications
    Aaron Mielke (Ma 2023)*
  3. Hochauflösende Untersuchung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Spurenelementvariabilität in einem Stalagmiten von der Yucatan Halbinsel
    Raymond Philipp Hubbert (Ba 2023)
  4. Simulating Radiocarbon and Stable Carbon Isotopes in Speleothems – a Multi-Site Model-Data Comparison
    Pauline Seubert (Ma 2023)
  5. Diagenesis of Corals and its Impact on U-Th Dating
    Max Stellbrink (Ba 2023)
  6. U isotopic composition of seawater and corals
    Luisa Stuhrmann (Ba 2023)
  7. Tracing North Atlantic Ocean Circulation using Neodymium Isotopes in Cold Water Corals South of Iceland
    Louisa Brückner (Ba 2023)
  8. Cold-water coral Ba/Ca and multi-element tracers of thermocline water temperature and nutrients of Angola since the LGM
    Sina Schreiber (Ma 2023)
  9. Stable Isotopes In Fluid Inclusion Water In Coral Skeletons
    Amrei Grund (Ba 2023)
  10. Messung der Sr-Isotopie von modernem Meerwasser und einer tropischen Koralle
    Joven Singh Mandair (Ba 2023)
  11. The Nd isotope composition of the Atlantic during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
    Mareike Lea Reiser (Ba 2023)
  12. Saisonalität in Stalagmiten der Estrella Höhle, Mexiko, Spurenelementuntersuchung mittels LA-ICP-MS
    Felix Roman Adrian (Ba 2023)*


  1. Rekonstruktion der Entwicklungsgeschichte von Kaltwasserkorallenriffen
    Melinda Tanriverdi O (Ba 2022)
  2. Examining XRF-Core-Scanning for Elemental Analysis of Calcium Carbonate Environmental Archives
    Ruben Zeitler (Ba 2022)*
  3. The Uranium and Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Seawater in the North East Atlantic
    Moritz Hallmaier (Ma 2022)
  4. Establishment of a routine for Sr isotope measurements on MC-ICP-MS
    Achim Retzbach (Ma 2022)
  5. High dead carbon fraction variability in a stalagmite from Puerto Rico
    Judith Gafriller (Ma 2022)
  6. CFD-basierte Untersuchung und Optimierung von Axialventilatoren hinsichtlich niedriger Schallentstehung bei Zuströmstörungen
    Natalie Schäfter (external project with Ziehl AG, supervised by Dr. Frieder Lörcher)
  7. Analysis of modern Radiocarbon Data from the Arctic Ocean derived with a new sampling Method and subsequent comparison with old Data
    Jakob Brinkmann (Ba 2022)
  8. Development of an ICP-Q-MS measurement protocol of SST sensitive elemental ratios in tropical corals
    Marius Feuerle (Ba 2022)
  9. Temperatur- und Radiokarbon-Rekonstruktion anhand von Kaltwasserkorallen südlich von Island
    Marika Hiemisch (Ba 2022)
  10. The Neodymium Isotopic Composition in Sediment Cores from the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean during MIS 11 and MIS 12
    Selina Pohl (Ba 2022)
  11. δ234U variability and the search for high precision young tropical coral dating
    Athulya Babu (Ma 2022)
  12. Using Earth system model output to simulate radiocarbon variability in speleothems
    Alexander Hubig (Ma 2022)
  13. Rekonstruktion der Seltenen Erden Herkunft im südpolaren Atlantik seit der letzen Eiszeit
    Riccardo Lizio (Ba 2022)
  14. Does a real-world Stalagmite look like the Prediction: A comprehensive Study of the Sofular Cave
    Niklas Merz  (Ba 2022)


  1. Insights into Atlantic thermocline seawater temperatures from cold-water corals since the last glacial
    Marleen Lausecker  (PhD 2021) (go to)
  2. Atlantic Deep Circulation During Marine Isotope Stage 11 and the Last One Million Years Inferred From Neodymium Isotopes
    Jasmin Link  (PhD 2021) (go to)
  3. Entwicklung einer graphischenNutzeroberfläche zur Th/U-Datierung von Speläothemen und Korallen
    Fabian Kontor  (Ba 2021)
  4. U-Th dating of Himalayan stalagmites from Mawmluh Cave, India
    Arvinash Singam (Ba 2021)
  5. East Atlantic Thermocline Circulation During the Last 58 ka - Viewed Through Neodymium Isotopes in Cold-Water Corals
    Laura Lütkes (Ma 2021)
  6. Glaziale Zwischenwassertemperaturen nahe der Azorenfront: Li/Mg-Verhältnis in Kaltwasserkorallen unter dem Einfluss hydrothermaler Aktivität
    Johanna Rampmeier (Ba 2021)
  7. Interhemisphärische Gradienten von Radiokohlenstoff im Zwischenwasser des Atlantiks seit der letzten Eiszeit
    Elvira Beisel (Ma 2021)
  8. Rekonstruktion der Temperaturgeschichte Islands mithilfe von Kaltwasserkorallen
    Celine Kolb (Ba 2021)


  1. Messungen von Übergangsmetallen in Tropfwässern mittels eines Quadrupol-Massenspektrometers
    Lea Kuchalski (Ba 2020)
  2. Expansion of Pacific sourced deep water in the South Atlantic during past climate changes
    Moritz Hallmaier (Ba 2020)
  3. Multi-Elementanalyse durch ”Laser Ablation - Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry”, Erstellung hochauflösender Elementaufnahmen in Stalagmiten
    Aaron Mielke (Ba 2020)
  4. Variability of δ234U in the Mediterranean Sea, Amazon Estuary, and Atlantic Ocean
    Evan Cooper Border (PhD 2020) (go to)
  5. Radiocarbon in Stalagmites: Indicator of Climate Variability and Key to Atmospheric Radiocarbon Reconstruction
    Steffen Therre (PhD 2020) (go to)
  6. Hochpräzisionsmessungen von Neodymisotopen an einem Massenspektrometer mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma
    Eva Marcella Rückert (StaatEx 2020)
  7. 550,000 years of marine climate variability in the western Mediterranean Sea revealed by cold-water corals
    Thomas Krengel (PhD 2020) (go to)
  8. Radiocarbon in the east Atlantic
    Markus Miltner (Ma 2020)


  1. Untersuchung verschiedener Klimaproxys am Cueva Larga Stalagmit B1
    Jonas Schandl (Ba 2019)
  2. Towards a revision and further improvement of 234U and 230Th decay constants
    Inga Kerber (Ma 2019)
  3. Sea level reconstruction in the late Quaternary with 230Th/U dated submerged speleothems
    Simon Steidle (Ma 2019)
  4. Untersuchung und rRekonstruktion der atlantisch-meridionalen Ozeanzirkulation (AMOC) im interglazialen Stadium M-11 durch Neodymisotopie-Messungen
    Paul Müller (Ba 2019)
  5. Eguchipsammia c.f. cornucopia at Jose Gaspar Seamount: Determination of growth rate and characterization as environmental archive
    Kathrin Brocker (Ba 2019)
  6. Age determination and temperature reconstruction using cold-water corals
    Tamara Dardoufas (Ba 2019)
  7. U-Th-Pa isotope ratio measurements without radioactive spike by MC-ICP-MS
    Christoph Dornick (Ma 2019)
  8. The Uranium Budget and 234U/238U Isotopic Composition at the Amazon Outflow
    Jan Kamm (Ba 2019)


  1. Uranium series dating, stable isotopes and geochemistry of “Hells Bells” Speleothems from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
    Nils Schorndorf (Ma 2018)
  2. Radiokohlenstoffmessung von natürlichen Karbonaten am Beispiel des holozäanen Stalagmiten M6
    Lukas Proß (Ba 2018)
  3. Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from seawater employing sep-pak C18 cartridges loaded with the HDEHP complexing agent
    Michelangelo Tagliavini (Ba 2018)
  4. Biofilm induzierte Spurenstoff-Variabilität in Kalktuffen des Kaisinger Brunnenbaches mittels LA-ICPQMS
    Christian Wirths (Ba 2018)
  5. Rekonstruktion der Nordwärtsbewegung von Mittelmeerwasser anhand von Tiefseekorallen
    Amrei Glasder (Diploma 2018)
  6. Cold-water corals - reconstruction of paleoenvironmental history off Mauritania
    Hannah Sarah Schneider (Ma 2018)
  7. The Na/Ca Ratio in Deep-Sea Corals as a Proxy for Salinity in the Ocean
    Paul Roßteutscher (Ba 2018)
  8. Radiocarbon in speleothems and drip water: On the way to a holistic model of stalagmite formation
    Simon Oliver Sauer (Ma 2018)
  9. Tiefseekorallen als Archiv eiszeitlicher Temperaturentwicklung der Thermokline nahe der Azorenfront
    Hanna Rosenthal (Ba 2018)


  1. Cold-Water Corals as Archives for Ocean Dynamics,Environmental Conditions and Glacial Reef Accumulation
    Freya Hemsing (PhD 2017) (go to)
  2. Radiokohlenstoff-Alter von eiszeitlichem Zwischenwasser im NO Atlantik
    Elvira Beisel (Ba 2017)
  3. U-Series Dating of Pteropod Rich Sediments from the Brazilian Margin
    Marleen Lausecker (Ma 2017)
  4. The application of radiogenic neodymium isotopes as a palaeo water mass tracer in the subpolar North Atlantic
    Patrick Blaser (PhD 2017) (go to)
  5. Towards ε-Precision of U-series Age Determinations of Secondary Carbonates
    Jennifer Arps (PhD 2017) (go to)
  6. IRMS Stable Carbon and Oxygen Measurements of Carbonates from a Flowstone from the MIS-11
    Marvin Bobrowski (Ma 2017)
  7. Tiefseekorallen vor Angola: Archive der tropischen Zwischenwasserdynamik seit der letzten Eiszeit
    Carla Roesch (Ba 2017)
  8. Uranium Series Dating with a New Laser Ablation Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Setup, Development of a measurement routine and first findings
    Julius Förstel (Ma 2017)
  9. Climate variations in the Arabian Sea from LGM to Holocene - A stalagmite radiocarbon record from Socotra Island
    Steffen Therre (Ma 2017)
  10. Fully Automated Chromatographic Extraction of Th and U: Performance of the prepFAST-MC and its Application to Cold-Water Corals from the Angolan Margin
    Anne-Marie Wefing (Ma 2016)


  1. Charakterisierung verschiedener Detektortypen in der Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppelter Plasma-Quelle (ICP-MS)
    Christoph Dornick (Ba 2016)
  2. Tracing Sub-Decadal Iceland Basin Water-Mass Changes Using Desmophyllum dianthus
    Evan Cooper Border (Ma 2016)
  3. Investigations of Authigenic Neodymium Sediment-Pore Water Interaction and Reconstruction of Deep Water Mass Sourcing in the North-East Atlantic
    Frerk Pöppelmeier (Ma 2016)
  4. From rain to stalagmite - climate controlled stable isotope variability in coupled earth system - stalagmite model
    Jorge Manuel Sanchez (Ma 2016)
  5. Local overprinting of εNd and Li/Mg in deep-sea corals of the Azores
    Kai Nakajima (Ba 2016)
  6. Temporal and spatial cold-water coral occurrence in the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz during previous glacial-interglacial cycles
    Thomas Krengel (Ma 2016)


  1. Bestimmung von Lithium-Magnesium Verhältnissen mit Hilfe der Laser Ablation Induktive gekoppelten Plasma Massen Spectrometrie
    Henrik Eckhardt (Ba 2015)
  2. Rekonstruktion der Ozeanzirkulation im Nordatlantik während ausgewählter glazialer Terminationen der letzten 900 ka anhand von Neodymisotopen
    Jasmin Link (Ma 2015)
  3. Variability of the bloom in the southern Ocean at inter-annual, seasonal and intra-seasonal time scales
    Jens Terhaar (Ma 2015)
  4. Evolution oft he seawater Uranium Isotopic Composition through time
    Hannah Nowitzki (Ma2015)
  5. Hydrogeochemie, Kalktuffbildung und zeitliche Entwicklung des Kalktuff-Systems "Kaisinger Sinterterrassen" in Greding, Bayern
    Simon Ritter (Ma 2015)
  6. Cold-water coral ecosystem changes in the souhern Gulf of Cadiz induced by oceanic dynamic variances from 20 to 40 ka
    Niclas Rieger (Ba 2015)
  7. Radiokohlenstoff in Stalagmiten - Austauschprozesse mit der Höhlenluft
    Alexander Hubig (Ba 2015)
  8. Das Lithium-Magnesium Verhältnis als Temperaturproxy in Tiefseekorallen - Temperaturkalibration und Temperaturrekonstruktion
    Marleen Lausecker (Ba 2015)


  1. Warmzeitliche Ozeandynamik im Rockall Trog - Datierte Tiefseekoralle als Klimaarchiv
    Kai Käser (Ba 2014)
  2. Paläoklimatische Untersuchung einer Tiefseekoralle aus dem Nordostatlantik: Altersbestimmung mit der U/Th - Methode & Rekonstruktion von Wassertemperaturen anhand von Li/Mg-Verhältnissen
    Barbara Hennrich (Ba 2014)
  3. Sauerstoffisotopische und mineralogiscche Untersuchung an Stalagmit M39-764 ein Paläoklimaarchiv für das Holozän der Zentralschweiz
    Kathrin Leutz (Ma 2014)
  4. Charakterisierung von Neodym-Messungen eines Thermionen-Massenspektrometers
    Frerk Pöppelmeier (Ba 2014)
  5. Small river tufa morphology derived from sub-meter footprint airborne Lidar bathymetry at Greding
    Jörn Profe (Ma 2014)
  6. The seawater Neodymium isotopic composition from Iceland tot he Azores
    Astrid Waldner (Ma 2014)
  7. Konzentrationsbestimmungen Seltener Erden am ICP-MS
    Richard Dietrich (Ba 2014)
  8. Messung von Lithium-Magnesium Verhältnissen an einem iCAP Qtm Quadrupol-Massenspektrometer mit induktiv gekoppelter Plasmaionenquelle
    Julius Förstel (Ba 2014)
  9. Radiokohlenstoff als Vegetationstracer - Messungen des toten Kohlenstoffanteils am holozänen Stalagmit H5 aus dem Oman
    Steffen Therre (Ba 2014)
  10. Eiszeitliche Ozeandynamik im Golf von Cádiz - datierte Tiefseekorallen als Archive
    Anne-Marie Wefing (Ba 2014)


  1. Analysis and evaluation of a leaching procedure for the extraction of authigenic rare earth elements (REE) from marine sediments of the North Atlantic
    Philipp Eisinger (Ba 2014)
  2. Paläowachstumsraten von Mangankrusten- Variabilität der O2 Konzentration im pazifischen Tiefenwasser
    Freya Hemsing (Ma 2013)
  3. Untersuchung der Ozeanzirkulation vor Brasilien bis ins letzte Glazial mittels 231Pa/230Th
    David Wichmann (Ba 2013)



Publications and Books


  1. A sequence of abrupt climatic fluctuations in the north-eastern Caribbean related to the 8.2 ka event.
    Vieten, R., Warken, S. F., Winter, A., Scholz, D., Zanchettin, D., Black, D., & Lachniet, M. (2024). The Holocene, 34(3), 325-337 (go to)
  2. The influence of hydrogeology and carbon sources on speleothem δ13C based on long-term monitoring in Furong Cave, southwest China
    Li, Jun-Yun, Ting-Yong Li, Hong-Chun Li, Christoph Spötl, Chao-Jun Chen, Jian Zhang, Yao Wu, Hua-Yan Li, Yue Jin, Min Zhao, Hong-Kai Li, Yan-Min Dong, Chemical Geology (2024): 122210 (go to)
  3. Northeastern Caribbean rainfall variability linked to solar and volcanic forcing
    Vieten, R., Warken, S. F., Zanchettin, D., Winter, A., Scholz, D., Black, D., Koltai, G., Spötl, C. (2024), Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39, e2023PA004720.(go to)
  4. Expedition 389 Scientific Prospectus: Hawaiian Drowned Reefs
    Webster, J.M., Ravelo, A.C., and Grant, H.L.J., and Expidition Scientists, International Ocean Discovery Program. https://doi.org/10.14379/iodp.sp.389.2023(go to)
  5. SISALv3: a global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database
    Kaushal, N., Lechleitner, F. A., Wilhelm, M., Azennoud, K., Bühler, J. C., Braun, K., Ait Brahim, Y., Baker, A., Burstyn, Y., Comas-Bru, L., Fohlmeister, J., Goldsmith, Y., Harrison, S. P., Hatvani, I. G., Rehfeld, K., Ritzau, M., Skiba, V., Stoll, H. M., Szűcs, J. G., Tanos, P., Treble, P. C., Azevedo, V., Baker, J. L., Borsato, A., Chawchai, S., Columbu, A., Endres, L., Hu, J., Kern, Z., Kimbrough, A., Koç, K., Markowska, M., Martrat, B., Masood Ahmad, S., Nehme, C., Novello, V. F., Pérez-Mejías, C., Ruan, J., Sekhon, N., Sinha, N., Tadros, C. V., Tiger, B. H., Warken, S., Wolf, A., Zhang, H., and SISAL Working Group members: , Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 1933–1963, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-16-1933-2024, 2024. (go to)


  1. Millennial-scale climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere influenced glacier dynamics in the Alps around 250,000 years ago
    Vanessa Skiba, Christoph Spötl, Martin Trüssel, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Birgit Schröder, Norbert Frank, René Eichstädter, Rik Tjallingii, Norbert Marwan, Xu Zhang, Jens Fohlmeister, Communication Earth Environment 4, 426 (2023) (go to)
  2. Assessment of climate extremes at the regional scale during the last millennium using an annually resolved stalagmite record
    Tobias Kluge, Philipp Holz, Thomas Neumann, Elisabeth Eiche, Maximilian Schuh, Norbert Frank , Ronny Friedrich, Alexander Land, Mario Trieloff, Axel K.Schmitt, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 624, 118458 (2023) (go to)
  3. The spatial and temporal distribution of neodymium isotopic composition within the Rockall Trough
    Quentin Dubois-Dauphin, Christophe Colin, Mary Elliot, Julius Förstel, Frederic Haurine, Rosella Pinna, Eric Douville, Norbert Frank, Progress in Oceanography, 218, 103-127, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103127 (2023) (go to)
  4. Climate Induced Thermocline Aging and Ventilation in the Eastern Atlantic Over the Last 32,000 Years
    Elvira Beisel, Norbert Frank, Laura F. Robinson, Marleen Lausecker, Ronny Friedrich, Steffen Therre, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Martin Butzin, Paleoceanography, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023PA004662 (2023) (go to)
  5. Odour mapping and air quality analysis of wastewater treatment plant at a seaside tourist area
    Andreas Luckert, Daniel Aguado, Rafael Garcia-Bartal, Carlos Lafita, Tatiana Montoya,Norbert Frank Environ. Monit. Assess, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-11598-8 (2023)
  6. Authigenic carbonate precipitation at Yam Seep controlled by continuous fracturing and uplifting of Four-Way Closure Ridge offshore SW Taiwan
    Tseng, Y., Smrzka, D., Lin, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Frank, N., & Bohrmann, G., G3, 24, e2022GC010652. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010652 (2023) (go to)
  7. Variable ventilation ages in the equatorial Indian Ocean thermocline during the LGM
    Jacek Raddatz, Elvira Beisel, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Christian Betzler, Ronny Friedrich, Norbert Frank , Scientific Reports, 13, 11355 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38388-z (go to)
  8. The role of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation for millennial-scale climate variability during the penultimate glacial
    Jens Fohlmeister, Marc Luetscher, Christoph Spötl, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Birgit Schröder, Norbert Frank, René Eichstädter, Martin Trüssel, Vanessa Skiba & Niklas Boers, Communication Earth Environ 4, 245 (2023) (go to)
  9. Mid- to late Holocene sea-level rise recorded in Hells Bells 234U/238U ratio and geochemical composition
    Nils Schorndorf, Norbert Frank, Simon M. Ritter, Sophie F. Warken, Christian Scholz, Frank Keppler, Denis Scholz, Michael Weber, Jeronimo Aviles Olguin, and Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Scientific Reports, 13, 10011 (2023) (go to)
  10. Simultaneous U and Th isotope measurements for U-series dating using MCICPMS
    Inga Kristina Kerber, Jennifer Arps, Rene Eichstädter, Fabian Kontor, Christoph Dornick, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Athuly Babu, Sophie Warken, Norbert Frank, NIM-B 539,169-178 doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.003 (go to)
  11. Speleothem growth phases in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt reveal enhanced humidity throughout MIS 5
    Felix Henselowsky, René Eichstädter, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Daniel Herwartz, Ahmed Almoazamy, Norbert Frank, Karin Kindermann, Olaf Bubenzer, Quaternary International, 657, 26-36 (2023) (go to)
  12. Staggered cold-water coral mound build-up on an Alboran ridge during the last deglacial (East Melilla Mound Field, western Mediterranean)
    Robin Fentimen, Eline J. Feenstra, Andres Rüggeberg, Efraim Hall, Antonietta Rosso, Irka Hajdas, David Jaramillo-Vogel, Bernard Grobéty, Thierry Adatte, David Van Rooij, Norbert Frank, Anneleen Foubert, Marine Geology, 457, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2023.106994 (2023) (go to)
  13. Constraints for precise and accurate fluid inclusion stable isotope analysis using water-vapour saturated CRDS techniques
    Therese Weissbach, Tobias Kluge, Stéphane Affolter, Markus C Leuenberger, Hubert Vonhof, Dana FC Riechelmann, Jens Fohlmeister, Marie-Christin Juhl, Benedikt Hemmer, Yao Wu, Sophie F Warken, Martina Schmidt, Norbert Frank, Werner Aeschbach, Chemical Geology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121268 (2023) (go to)
  14. Variations in Asian summer monsoon and hydroclimate during Heinrich stadials 4 revealed by stalagmite stable isotopes and trace elements
    Yao Wu , Ting-Yong Li, Jun-Yun Li, Hai Cheng, You-Feng Ning, Chuan-Chou Shen, Yan Yang, Jing-Yao Zhao, Chao-Jun Chen, Ming-Qiang Liang, Si-Ya Xiao, Hai-Ying Qiu, Yu-Zhen Xu , Yang-Yang Huang, Tsai-Luen Yu, R. Lawrence Edwards; Quaternary Science Reviews, 299, 107869 (2023) (go to)


  1. How the climate shapes stalagmites – A comparative study of model and speleothem at the Sofular Cave, Northern Turkey
    Niklas Merz, Alexander Hubig, Thomas Kleinen, Steffen Therre, Georg Kaufmann, Norbert Frank, Front. Earth Sci. Sec. Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.969211 (2022) (go to)
  2. Cold-water coral mounds in the western Mediterranean Sea: New insights into their initiation and development since the Mid-Pleistocene in response to changes of African hydroclimate
    Claudia Wienberg, Thomas Krengel, Norbert Frank, Haozhuang Wang, David Van Rooij, Dierk Hebbeln, Quaternary Science Reviews, 293, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107723 (2022) (go to)
  3. Using the triple proxy δ13C–radiocarbon–major and trace elements to understand stalagmite stable carbon composition in Madagascar
    Ny Riavo G.Voarintsoa, Steffen Therre, Chemical Geology, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121044 (2022) (go to)
  4. The cold-water coral Solenosmilia variabilis as a paleoceanographic archive for the reconstruction of intermediate water mass temperature variability on the Brazilian continental margin
    Serafina Endress, Nico Schleinkofer, A. Schmidt, Dianne Margaret Tracey, Norbert Frank, Jacek Raddatz, Front. Mar. Sci., doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.909407 (2022) (go to)
  5. The impact of seasonal and event-based infiltration on transition metals (Cu, Ni, Co) in tropical cave drip water
    Sophie F. Warken, Lea Kuchalski, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Rolf Vieten, Martina Schmidt, Sebastian N. Höpker, Adam Hartland, Christoph Spötl, Denis Scholz, and Norbert Frank, Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, (2022) (go to)
  6. Tropfsteine des Eberstadter Höhlensystems – Einblick in vergangene Warmzeiten
    Tobias Kluge, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, David Schäfer , Nicole Aeschbach, Markus Haun, Marvin Bobrowski, Alina Straub, Therese Weißbach, Christian Scholz, René Eichstädter, Regina Mertz, Martina Schmidt, Elisabeth Eiche, und Norbert Frank, Laichinger Höhlenfreund, 56, 3-18, (2022)
  7. Long-term elemental trends in drip waters from monitoring Bunker Cave: New insights for past precipitation variability
    Dana Felicitas Christine Riechelmann, Sylvia Riechelmann, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Chemical Geology, 590 (2022) (go to)
  8. A 300,000 year record of cold-water coral mound build-up at the East Melilla Coral Province (SE Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean)
    Robin Fentimen, Eline Feenstra, Andres Rüggeberg, Efraim Hall, Valentin Rime, Torsten Vennemann, Irka Hajdas, Antonietta Rosso, David Van Rooij, Thierry Adatte, Hendrik Vogel, Norbert Frank, and Anneleen Foubert, Clim. Past, 18, 1915–1945 (2022) (go to)
  9. Last glacial millennial-scale hydro-climate and temperature changes in Puerto Rico constrained by speleothem fluid inclusion δ18O and δ2H values
    Sophie F Warken, Therese Weissbach, Tobias Kluge, Hubert Vonhof, Denis Scholz, Rolf Vieten, Martina Schmidt, Amos Winter, Norbert Frank, Climate of the Past (2022) (go to)


  1. Ontogeny, evolution and palaeogeographic distribution of the world’s largest ammonite Parapuzosia (P.) seppenradensis (Landois, 1895)
    Ifrim, C., Stinnesbeck, W., González González, A.H., Schorndorf, N., Gale, A.S., Plos One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258510 (2021) (go to)
  2. Reconstruction of Middle to Late Quaternary sea level using submerged speleothems from the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula
    Steidle, S.D., Warken, S. F., Schorndorf, N., Förstel, J., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Moseley, G.E., Spötl, C., Aviles, J., Stinnesbeck, W., Frank, N. Journal of Quaternary Science (online) (2021) (go to)
  3. Are oxygen isotope fractionation factors between calcite and water derived from speleothems systematically biased due to prior calcite precipitation (PCP)?
    Michael Deininger, Maximilian Hansen, Jens Fohlmeister, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Yuval Burstyn, Denis Scholz, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 305, 212-227 (2021) (go to)
  4. Solar Forcing of Early Holocene Droughts on the Yucatán Peninsula
    Sophie Warken, Nils Schorndorf, Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Dominik Hennhoefer, Sarah Stinnesbeck, Julius Förstel, Simon Steidle, Jerónimo Avilés Olguin, Norbert Frank, Nature Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs- 418130/v1 (2021) (go to )
  5. The fate of a travertine record: impact of early diagenesis on the Y‐10 core (Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA)
    Eva De Boever, David Jaramillo‐Vogel, Anne‐Sophie Bouvier, Norbert Frank, Andrea Schröder‐Ritzrau, Lukas Baumgarter, Rudy Swennen Anneleen Foubert, The Depositional Record, https://doi.org/10.1002/dep2.143 (2021) (go to)
  6. Deep-ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (~2.65–2.4 Ma)
    Kim A. Jakob, Jörg Pross, Jasmin M. Link, Patrick Blaser, Anna Hauge Braaten, Oliver Friedrich, Marine Micropaleontology, 165, 101998 (2021) (go to)
  7. Heidelberg Radiocarbon Lab - Established a new carbon dioxide extraction line for carbonate samples
    Steffen Therre, Lukas Proß, Ronny Friedrich, Martin Trüssel, Norbert Frank, Radiocarbon, 1-10 (2021) (go to)
  8. Dating of Corals and Other Geological Samples via the Radioactive Disequilibrium of Uranium and Thorium Isotopes
    Norbert Frank, Freya Hemsing, In: Ramstein G., Landais A., Bouttes N., Sepulchre P., Govin A. (eds) Paleoclimatology. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. Springer, (2021) (go to)

2020 to 1995

  1. Persistent link between Caribbean precipitation and Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Last Glacial revealed by a speleothem record from Puerto Rico
    Sophie F. Warken, Rolf Vieten, Amos Winter, Christoph Spötl, Thomas E. Miller, Klaus P. Jochum, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Augusto Mangini, and Denis Scholz, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, 11, doi.org/10.1029/2020PA003944 (go to)
  2. SISALv2: a comprehensive speleothem isotope database with multiple age–depth models
    Laia Comas-Bru, Kira Rehfeld, Carla Roesch, Sahar Amirnezhad-Mozhdehi, Sandy P. Harrison, Kamolphat Atsawawaranunt, Syed Masood Ahmad, Yassine Ait Brahim, Andy Baker, Matthew Bosomworth, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, Yuval Burstyn, Andrea Columbu, Michael Deininger, Attila Demény, Bronwyn Dixon, Jens Fohlmeister, István Gábor Hatvani, Jun Hu, Nikita Kaushal, Zoltán Kern, Inga Labuhn, Franziska A. Lechleitner, Andrew Lorrey, Belen Martrat, Valdir Felipe Novello, Jessica Oster, Carlos Pérez-Mejías, Denis Scholz, Nick Scroxton, Nitesh Sinha, Brittany Marie Ward, Sophie Warken, Haiwei Zhang, and SISAL Working Group members, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2579–2606 (2020) (go to)
  3. Climate and structure of the 8.2 ka event reconstructed from three speleothems from Germany
    Sarah Waltgenbach, Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl, Dana F.C. Riechelmann, Klaus P.Jochum, Jens Fohlmeister, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau , Global and Planetary Change, 193, (2020) (go to)
  4. The Erdmannshöhle near Hasel, SW Germany: karst environment and cave evolution
    Arnfried Becker, Karsten Piepjohn, and Andrea Schröder‑Ritzrau Swiss J Geosci, 113:9 (2020) (go to)
  5. Deglacial upslope shift of NE Atlantic intermediate waters controlled slope erosion and cold-water coral mound formation (Porcupine Seabight, Irish margin)
    Claudia Wienberg, Jürgen Titschack, Norbert Frank, Ricardo De Pol-Holz, Jan Fietzke, Markus Eisele, Anne Kremer, Dierk Hebbeln, Quaternary Science Reviews, 237, 106310 (2020) (go to)
  6. Palynological study of carbonated mounds during the Holocene along the Atlantic and Mediterranean Moroccan margins
    Jihad Rachid, Touria Hssaida, Naima Hamoumi, Loubna Terhzaz, Silvia Spezzaferri, Norbert Frank, and Lamia Daghor, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 278, 104213 (2020) (go to)
  7. Climate-induced speleothem radiocarbon variability on Socotra Island from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Younger Dryas
    Steffen Therre, Jens Fohlmeister, Dominik Fleitmann, Albert Matter, Stephen J. Burns, Jennifer Arps, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Ronny Friedrich, and Norbert Frank Climate of the Past, 16, 409–421 (2020) (go to)
  8. New evidence for an early settlement of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: The Chan Hol 3 woman and her meaning for the Peopling of the Americas
    Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Samuel R. Rennie, Jerónimo Avilés Olguín, Sarah R. Stinnesbeck, Silvia Gonzalez, Norbert Frank, Sophie Warken, Nils Schorndorf, Thomas Krengel, Adriana Velázquez Morlet, Arturo González González, PLOS One 0227984 (2020) (go to)
  9. Solenosmilia variabilis-bearing cold-water coral mounds off Brazil
    Raddatz, J., Titschack, J., Frank, N., Conforti, A., Osbourne, A., Freiwald, A., Skornitzke, S., Stiller, W., Rüggeberg, A. Vertino, A., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Voigt, S., Albuquerque, A.L.S., and Bahr, A., Coral Reefs, 38, 69–83 (2020) (go to)
  10. Constraining the formation of authigenic carbonates in a recent seepage-affected cold-water coral mound by lipid biomarkers
    Feenstra, E.J., Birgel, D., Heindel, K., Wehrmann, L.M., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Grobety, B., Frank, N., Hancock, L.G., Van Rooij, D., Peckmann, J. and Foubert, A., Geobiology, 18(2):185-206 (2020) (go to)
  11. Calcite Mg and Sr partition coefficients in cave environments: Implications for interpreting prior calcite precipitation in speleothems
    Jasper A. Wassenburg, Sylvia Riechelmann, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Dana F.C. Riechelmann a, Detlev K. Richter c, Adrian Immenhauser, Mihai Terente, Silviu Constantin, Andrea Hachenberg, Maximilian Hansen, Denis Scholz, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 269, 581–596 (2020) (go to)
  12. Mid-Holocene extinction of cold-water corals on the Namibian shelf steered by the Benguela oxygen minimum zone
    Leonardo Tamborrino, Claudia Wienberg, Jürgen Titschack, Paul Wintersteller, Furu Mienis, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, André Freiwald, Covadonga Orejas, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Julia Haberkern, Dierk Hebbeln, Geology, 47 (12): 1185–1188 (2019) (go to)
  13. Constraining the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Holocene.
    Lippold, J., Pöppelmeier, F., Süfke, F., Gutjahr, M., Goepfert, T.J., Blaser, P., Friedrich, O., Link, J.M., Wacker, L., Rheinberger, S., Jaccard, S.L. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(20), 11338-11346 (2019) (go to)
  14. Climate Induced Speleothem Radiocarbon Variability on Socotra Island from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Younger Dryas Steffen Therre, Jens Fohlmeister, Dominik Fleitmann, Albert Matter, Stephen J. Burns, Jennifer Arps, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Ronny Friedrich, and Norbert Frank
    Climate of the Past Discussions, doi.org/10.5194/cp-2019-101 (2019) (go to)
  15. Influence of ocean circulation and benthic exchange on deep Northwest Atlantic Nd isotope records during the past 30,000 years F. Pöppelmeier, P. Blaser, M. Gutjahr, F. Süfke, D.J.R. Thornalley, J. Grützner, K.A. Jakob, J.M. Link , S. Szidat, J. Lippold, G3, 20(9) 4457-4469 (2019) (go to)
  16. Last Interglacial Climate in Northern Sweden—Insights from a Speleothem Record
    Martin Finne, Sakari Salonen, Norbert Frank, Karin F. Helmens, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Michael Deininger and Steffen Holzkämper, Quaternary, 29, doi.org/10.3390/quat2030029 (2019) (go to)
  17. Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial
    Laia Comas-Bru, Sandy P. Harrison, Martin Werner, Kira Rehfeld, Nick Scroxton, Cristina Veiga-Pires, and SISAL working group members, Climate of the Past, 15, 1557–1579 (2019) (go to)
  18. Caribbean hydroclimate and vegetation history across the last glacial period
    Sophie F. Warken, Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl, Klaus P. Jochum, Jesús M. Pajón, André Bahr, Augusto Mangini, Quaternary Science Reviews, 218, 75-90, (2019) (go to)
  19. Ventilation and cave air PCO2 in the Bunker-Emst Cave System (NW Germany): implications for speleothem proxy data
    S. Riechelmann, S. F. M. Breitenbach, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, A. Mangini, and A. Immenhauser
    Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 81, no. 2, p. 98-112. DOI:10.4311/2018ES0110 (2019) (go to)
  20. Evaluating the potential of tree-ring methodology for cross-dating of three annually laminated stalagmites from Zoolithencave (SE Germany)
    Dana FC Riechelmann, Jens Fohlmeister, Tobias Kluge, Klaus Peter Jochum, Detlev K Richter, Michael Deininger, Ronny Friedrich, Norbert Frank, Denis Scholz, Quaternary Geochronology, 52, 37-50 (2019) (go to)
  21. Out of the Mediterranean? Post-glacial colonisation pathways varied among cold-water coral species
    Joana Ruela Boavida, Ronan Becheler, Marvin Choquet, Norbert Frank, Jean-François Bourillet, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Journal of Biogeography, 1-17, (2019) (go to)
  22. Subaqueous speleothems (Hells Bells) formed by the interplay of pelagic redoxcline biogeochemistry and specific hydraulic conditions in the El Zapote sinkhole, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
    Ritter S. M., Isenbeck-Schröter M., Scholz C., Keppler F., Gescher J., Klose L., Schorndorf N., Avilés Olguín J., González-González A. and Stinnesbeck W. (2019) . Biogeosciences Discuss., 1–35. (go to)
  23. Millennial-scale variations of the Holocene North Atlantic mid-depth gyre inferred from radiocarbon and neodymium isotopes in cold water corals
    Christophe Colin, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Furu Mienis, Tim Collart, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Quentin Dubois-Dauphin, Norbert Frank , Arnaud Dapoigny,Mohamed Ayache, Didier Swingedouw, Jean-Claude Dutay, Frederique Eynaud, Maxime Debret, Blamart, Eric Douville, Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 211, 93-106 (2019) (go to)
  24. Interactive programs of MC-ICPMS data processing for 230Th/U geochronology
    Qing-Feng Shao, Chun-Hua Li, Meng-Jie Huang, Ze-Bo Liao, Jennifer Arps, Chun-Yuan Huang, Yu-Chen Chou, Xing-Gong Kong, Quaternary Geochronology, 51, 43-52 (2019) (go to)
  25. 420,000 year assessment of fault leakage rates shows geological carbon storage is secure
    Johannes M. Miocic, Stuart M. V. Gilfillan, Norbert Frank, Andrea Schroeder-Ritzrau, Neil M. Burnside and R. Stuart Haszeldine, Nature Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 769 (2019) (go to)
  26. Speleothem Paleoclimatology for the Caribbean, Central America, and North America
    Jessica Oster , Sophie Warken , Natasha Sekhon , Monica Arienzo , Matthew Lachniet
    Quaternary 2019, 2(1), 5 (go to)
  27. The resilience and sensitivity of Northeast Atlantic deep water εNd to overprinting by detrital fluxes over the past 30,000 years
    P. Blaser, F. Pöppelmeier, H. Schulz, M. Gutjahr, M. Frank, J. Lippold, H. Heinrich, J.M. Link, J. Hoffmann, S. Szidat, N. Frank, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 2019, 79-97, (go to)
  28. Limited influence of basalt weathering inputs on the seawater neodymium isotope composition of the northern Iceland Basin
    Rachel Morrison, Astrid Waldner, Edmund C Hathorne, Peer Rahlf, Mortiz Zieringer, Paolo Montagna, Christophe Colin, Norbert Frank, Martin Frank, Chemical Geology, 511, 358-370, 2019 (go to)
  29. Evidence of warm and humid interstadials in central Europe during early MIS 3 revealed by a multi-proxy speleothem record.
    Weber, M., Scholz, D., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Deininger, M., Spötl, C., Lugli, F., Mertz-Kraus, R., Klaus Jochum, P., Fohlmeister, J., Stumpf, C., F. Riechelmann, D. F.C., Quaternary Science Reviews, 200, 276-286 (go to)
  30. Extended calibration of cold-water coral Ba/Ca using multiple genera and co-located measurements of dissolved barium concentration
    Peter T.Spooner, Laura F.Robinson, Freya Hemsing, Paul Morris, Joseph A.Stewart, Chemical Geology, in press, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.09.012 (go to)
  31. Reconstruction of late Holocene autumn/winter precipitation variability in SW Romania from a high-resolution speleothem trace element record
    Sophie F.Warken, Jens Fohlmeisterc, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Silviu Constantin, Christoph Spötl, Axel Gerdes, Jan Esper, Norbert Frank, Jennifer Arps, Mihai Terente, Dana F. C. Riechelmann, Augusto Mangini, Denis Scholz, Earth and Planet Sci. Letters, 499, 122–133 (go to)
  32. Imprint of Holocene Climate Variability on Cold‐Water Coral Reef Growth at the SW Rockall Trough margin, NE Atlantic
    Lucile Bonneau, Christophe Colin, Edwige Pons‐Branchu, Furu Mienis, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Dominique Blamart, Mary Elliot, Tim Collart, Norbert Frank, Lorna Foliot, Eric Douville, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, doi.org/10.1029/2018GC007502 (go to)
  33. Carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in the water-calcite-aragonite system
    Jens Fohlmeister, Jennifer Arps, Christoph Spötl, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Birgit Plessen, Christina Günter, Norbert Frank, Martin Trüssel, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta,in press - online: doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.05.022 (2018) (go to)
  34. The Chan Hol cave near Tulum (Quintana Roo, Mexico): evidence for long-lasting human presence during the early to middle Holocene
    Fabio Hering, Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Jens Fohlmeister, Eberhard Frey, Sarah Stinnesbeck, Jeronimo Aviles, Eugeniio Aceves Nunez,Arturo Gonzalez, Alejandro Terrazas Mata, Martha Elena Benavente, Carmen Rojas, Adriana Velazques Morlet, Norbert Frank, Patrick Zell and Julia Becker, Journal of Quaternary Science, DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3025 (2018) (go to)
  35. Barium isotopes in cold-water corals
    Freya Hemsing, Yu-Te Hsieh, Luke Bridgestock, Peter T. Spooner, Laura F. Robinson, Norbert Frank, Gideon M. Henderson, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 491, 183-192 (2018) (go to)
  36. Hurricane impact on seepage water in Larga Cave, Puerto Rico
    Rolf Vieten, Sophie Warken, Amos Winter,Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, DOI 10.1002/2017JG004218 (2018) (go to)
  37. The giant Mauritanian cold-water coral mound province: Oxygen control on coral mound formation
    Claudia Wienberg, Jürgen Titschack,André Freiwald, Norbert Frank, Tomas Lundalv, Marco Taviani, Lydia Beuck, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Thomas Krengel, Dierk Hebbeln, Quaternary Science Reviews, 185, 135-152 (2018) (go to)
  38. Trace element partitioning in fluvial tufa reveals variable portions of biologically influenced calcite precipitation
    Simon Ritter , Margot Isenbeck-Schröter, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau , Christian Scholz, Stefan Rheinberger, Bernhard Höfle, Norbert Frank, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 225 (2018) 176-191 (go to)
  39. Multiple dating approach (14 C, 230 Th/U and 36 Cl) of tsunami-transported reef-top boulders on Bonaire (Leeward Antilles)–Current achievements and challenges
    Gilles Rixhon, Simon Matthias May, Max Engel, Silke Mechernich, Andrea Schroeder-Ritzrau, Norbert Frank, Jens Fohlmeister, Frédéric Boulvain, Tibor Dunai, Helmut Brückner
    Marine Geology, 396, p 100-113, (2018) (go to)
  40. Monitoring of Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico—A First Step to Decode Speleothem Climate Records
    Rolf Vieten, Sophie Warken , Amos Winter, Denis Scholz, Thomas Miller, Christoph Spötl, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health, 319-331, Springer, Cham (2017) (go to)
  41. Hells Bells unique speleothems from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, generated under highly specific subaquatic conditions
    Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Eberhard Frey, Patrick Zell, Jerónimo Avilés, Fabio Hering, Norbert Frank, Jennifer Arps, Anna Geenen, Johannes Gescher, Margot Isenbeck-Schröter, Simon Ritter, Sarah Stinnesbeck, Eugenio Aceves Núñez, Vicente Fito Dahne, Arturo González González,Michael Deininger, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 489, 209-229, (2017) (go to)
  42. Two 'pillars' of cold-water coral reefs along Atlantic European margins: Prevalent association of Madrepora oculata with Lophelia pertusa, from reef to colony scale
    S Arnaud-Haond, IMJ Van den Beld, R Becheler, C Orejas, L Menot, N Frank, A Grehan, JF Bourillet
    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 145, 110-119 (2017) (go to)
  43. High precision U-series dating of scleractinian cold-water corals using an automated chromatographic U and Th extraction
    Anne-Marie Wefing , Jennifer Arps , Patrick Blaser , Claudia Wienberg, Dierk Hebbeln, Norbert Frank
    Chemical Geology, 475, 140-148 (2017) (go to)
  44. The earliest settlers of Mesoamerica date back to the late Pleistocene
    Wolfgang Stinnesbeck, Julia Becker, Fabio Hering, Eberhard Frey, Arturo González González, Jens Fohlmeister, Sarah Stinnesbeck, Norbert Frank, Alejandro Terrazas Mata, Martha Elena Benavente, Jerónimo Avilés Olguín, Eugenio Aceves Núñez, Patrick Zell, Michael Deininger, PlosOne, 12/8 (2017) (go to)
  45. Coral mound development at the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico: Implications of Antarctic Intermediate Water increased influence during interglacials
    Lélia Matos, Claudia Wienberg, Jürgen Titschack, Gerhard Schmiedl, Norbert Frank, Fatima Abrantes, Marina R Cunha, Dierk Hebbeln, Marine Geology, Volume 392,  53-65 (2017) (go to)
  46. A stalactite record of four relative sea-level highstands during the Middle Pleistocene Transition
    Paolo Stocchi,Fabrizio Antonioli, Paolo Montagna, Fabrizio Pepe, Valeria Lo Presti, Antonio Caruso, Marta Corradino, Gino Dardanelli, Pietro Renda, Norbert Frank, Eric Douville, François Thil, Bas de Boer, Rosario Ruggieri, Rosanna Sciortino, Catherine Pierre, Quaternary Science Reviews, 173, 92–100 (2017) (go to)
  47. Holocene climate variability in Central Germany and a potential link to the polar North Atlantic: A replicated record from three coeval speleothems
    Simon A Mischel,Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl, Klaus Peter Jochum, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, and Sabine Fiedler, The Holocene, 27, 509-525 (2017) (go to)
  48. Synchronous and proportional deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation
    Stefan Mulitza, Cristiano M. Chiessi, Enno Schefuß, Jörg Lippold, David Wichmann, Benny Antz, Andreas Mackensen, André Paul, Matthias Prange, Kira Rehfeld, Martin Werner, Torsten Bickert, Norbert Frank, Henning Kuhnert, Jean Lynch- Stieglitz, Rodrigo C. Portilho-Ramos1,André O. Sawakuchi, Michael Schulz, Tilmann Schwenk, Ralf Tiedemann, Maximilian Vahlenkamp,and Yancheng Zhang
    Paleoceanography, 32, 622-633, doi: 10.1002/2017PA003084 (go to)
  49. Fingerprinting Northeast Atlantic water masses using Neodymium isotopes
    Quentin Dubois-Dauphin, Christophe Colin, Lucile Bonneau, Paolo Montagna, Qiong Wu, David Van Rooij, Gilles Reverdin, Eric Douville, François Thil, Astrid Waldner, Norbert Frank
    Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 210, 267-288 (2017) (go to)
  50. Sensitivity of Bunker Cave to climatic forcings highlighted through multi-annual monitoring of rain-, soil-, and dripwaters
    Sylvia Riechelmann, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Christoph Spötl, Dana Felicitas Christine Riechelmann, Detlev Konrad Richter, Augusto Mangini, Norbert Frank, Sebastian FM Breitenbach, Adrian Immenhauser
    Chemical Geology, 449, 194-205 (2017) (go to )
  51. The large-scale evolution of neodymium isotopic composition in the global modern and Holocene ocean revealed from seawater and archive data
    Kazuyo Tachikawa, Thomas Arsouze, Germain Bayon, Aloys Bory, Christophe Colin, Jean-Claude Dutay, Norbert Frank, Xavier Giraud, Alexandra T. Gourlan, Catherine Jeandel, François Lacan, Laure Meynadier, Paolo Montagna, Alexander M. Piotrowski, Yves Plancherel, Emmanuelle Pucéat, Matthieu Roy-Barman, Claire Waelbroeck, Chemical Geology, 457, 131 - 148 (2017) (go to)
  52. Geochemical Insights Into an Active Calcareous Tufa Depositing System in Southern Germany
    Simon M Ritter, Margot Isenbeck-Schröter, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau , Christian Scholz, Norbert Frank
    Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 328-331, (2017) (go to )
  53. Glacial erosion dynamics in a small mountainous watershed (Southern French Alps): A source-to-sink approach
    Lucile Bonneau, Samuel Toucanne, Germain Bayon, Stéphan J. Jorry, Laurent Emmanuel, Ricardo Silva Jacinto, Earth and Planet Sci. Letters, 458, 366-379 (2017) (go to)
  54. Characterizing tufa barrages in relation to channel bed morphology in a small karstic river by airborne LiDAR topo-bathymetry
    Jörn Profe, Bernhard Höfle, Martin Hämmerle, Frank Steinbacher, Mon-Shieh Yang, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Norbert Frank, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association; 127, 6, 664–675, (2016) (go to)
  55. Sensitivity of bunker cave to climatic forcings highlighted through multi-annual monitoring of rain-, soil-, and dripwaters
    Sylvia Riechelmann, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Christoph Spötl, Dana Felicitas Christine Riechelmann, Detlev Konrad Richter, Augusto Mangini, Norbert Frank, Sebastian FM Breitenbach, Adrian Immenhauser;
    Chemical Geology, online, (2016) (go to)
  56. Coherency of late Holocene European speleothem d18O records linked to North Atlantic Ocean circulation
    Deiniger, M., McDermott, F. Mudelsee, M. Werner, M., Frank, N., Mangini, A. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3360-8, p 1-24, (go to)
  57. Seasonal temperature variations controlling cave ventilation processes in Cueva Larga, Puerto Rico
    Vieten R., Winter A., Warken S.F., Schrӧder-Ritzrau A., Miller T.E. and Scholz D., International Journal of Speleology, 45 (3), 259-273. Tampa, FL (USA) ISSN 0392-6672 (2016) (go to)
  58. Holocene climate variability in Central Germany and a potential link to the polar North Atlantic: A replicated record from three coeval speleothems
    Simon A Mischel, Denis Scholz, Christoph Spötl, Klaus Peter Jochum, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, and Sabine Fiedler, The Holocene, 1-17, (2016) (go to)
  59. Hydrological and climatological controls on radiocarbon concentrations in a tropical stalagmite
    Lechleitner, F.A., Baldini, J.U.L., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Fohlmeister, J., McIntyre, C., Goswami, B., Jamieson, R.A., van der Voort, T.S., Prufer, K., Marwan, N., Culleton, B.J., Kennett, D.J., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., Eglinton, T.I., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 194, 233-252, (2016) (go to)
  60. A novel approach for construction of radiocarbon-based chronologies for speleothems
    Lechleitner, F.A., Fohlmeister, J., McIntyre, C., Baldini L.M., Jamieson, R.A., Hercman, H., Gąsiorowski, M., Pawlak, J., Stefaniak, K., Socha, P., Eglinton, T.I, Baldini, J.U.L.
    Quaternary Geochronology 35, 54-65, doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2016.05.006 (go to)
  61. Modern aragonite formation at near-freezing conditions in an alpine cave, Carnic Alps, Austria
    Spötl, C., Fohlmeister, J., Cheng, H., Boch, R., Chemical Geology 435, 60-70, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.017 (go to)
  62. Laser Ablation – Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: An Approach for Rapid Radiocarbon Analyses of Carbonate Archives at High Spatial Resolution
    Caroline Welte, Lukas Wacker, Bodo Hattendorf, Marcus Christl, Jens Fohlmeister, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, Laura F. Robinson, Allen H. Andrews, André Freiwald, Jesse R. Farmer, Christiane Yeman, Hans-Arno Synal, and Detlef Günther, Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88 (17), 8570-8576, (2016) (go to)
  63. Reorganization of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the Holocene deglaciation
    Wassenburg, J.A., Dietrich, S. Fietzke, J., Fohlmeister, J., Jochum, .P., Scholz, D., Richter, D., Sabaoui, A., Spoetl, C. Lohmann, G., Andreae, M., Immenhauser, A., Nature Geoscience,9, 602-605 (2016) (go to)
  64. 40Ar/39Ar and ESR/U-series dates for Guado San Nicola, Middle Pleistocene key site at the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition in Italy
    Alison Pereira, Sébastien Nomade, Qingfeng Shao, Jean-Jacques Bahain, Marta Arzarello, Eric Douville, Christophe Falguères, Norbert Frank, Tristan Garcia, Giuseppe Lembo, Brunella Muttillo, Vincent Scao, Carlo Peretto, Quaternary Geochronology, 36, 67-75, (2016) (go to)
  65. Extracting foraminiferal seawater Nd isotope signatures from bulk deep sea sediment by chemical leaching
    Patrick Blaser, Joerg Lippold, Marcus Gutjahr, Norbert Frank, Jasmin M. Link, Martin Frank
    Chemical Geology, 439, 189-204, 2016 (go to)
  66. Biological and physical controls in the Southern Ocean on past millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 changes
    Julia Gottschalk, Luke C Skinner, Jörg Lippold, Hendrik Vogel, Norbert Frank, Samuel L Jaccard, Claire Waelbroeck, Nature Communications, 7, doi:10.1038/ncomms11539 (2016) (go to)
  67. South Atlantic intermediate water advances into the North‐east Atlantic with reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial period
    Quentin Dubois‐Dauphin, Lucile Bonneau, Christophe Colin, Jean‐Carlos Montero‐Serrano, Paolo Montagna, Dominique Blamart, Hebbeln Dierk, David Van Rooij, Freya Hemsing, Anne‐Marie Wefing, Norbert Frank
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 2336-2353, DOI: 10.1002/2016GC006281 go to
  68. The Middle Pleistocene site of Guado San Nicola (Monteroduni, Central Italy) on the Lower/Middle Palaeolithic transition
    C. Peretto, M. Arzarello, J.-J. Bahain, N. Boulbes, J.-M. Dolod, E. Douville, C. Falguères, N. Frank, T. Garcia, G.Lemboa, A.-M. Moigneb, B. Muttilloa, S. Nomade, A.Pereira,M. A. Rufo, B. Sala, Q. Shao, U. Thun Hohenstein, U. Tessarij, M. Chiara Turrinia, C. Vaccaroj, Quaternary International, Available online 18 December 2015, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.056, 2016 (go to)
  69. New insights into hydrological exchange between the South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean based on the Nd isotopic composition of seawater
    Q Wu, C Colin, Z Liu, E Douville, Q Dubois-Dauphin, N Frank
    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 122 (2015) Pages 25?40, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.11.005 (go to)
  70. Neodymium isotopic composition in foraminifera and authigenic phases of South China Sea sediments: Implications for thehydrology of the North Pacific Ocean over the past 25 kyr
    Qiong Wu, Christophe Colin, Zhifei Liu, François Thil, Quentin Dubois‐Dauphin, Norbert Frank, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Louise Bordier, Eric Douville Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 3883-3904 (2015) (go to)
  71. Interglacial occurrence of cold-water coral off Cape Lookout (NW Atlantic): First evidence of the Gulf stream influence
    L Matos, F Mienis, C Wienberg, N Frank, C Kwiatkowski, J Groeneveld,F. Thil, F. Abrantes, M.R. Cunha, D. Hebbeln, Deep Sea Research I, 105, 158-170 (2015) (go to)
  72. Strong and deep Atlantic meridiornal overturning circulation during the last glacial cycle
    E. Böhm , J. Lippold, M. Gutjahr, M. Frank, P. Blaser, B. Antz, J. Fohlmeister, N. Frank, M.B. Andersen, M. Deininger, Nature 517, 73-76, (2015)(go to)
  73. Seychelles coral record of changes in sea surface temperature bimodality in the western Indian Ocean from the Mid-Holocene to the present
    Zinke J., Pfeiffer M. Park W., Schneider B., Reuning L., Dullo W.-Chr., Camoin G. F., Mangini A., Schroeder-Ritzrau A., Garbe-Schönberg D., Davies G. R., Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2082-z. (2014)
  74. Physicochemical characteristics of drip waters: influence on mineralogy and crystal morphology of recent cave carbonate precipitates
    Riechelmann, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Wassenburg, J. A., Scheurer, J., Richter, D. K., Riechelmann, D. F. C., Terente, M., Constantin, S., Mangini, A. and A. Immenhauser, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 145, 13?29 (2014)
  75. Relationship between colour and diagenesis in the aragonite-calcite speleothems in Basajaún Etxea cave, Spain
    Martín-García, Rebeca, Ana M. Alonso-Zarza, Andrea Martín-Pérez, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Thomas Ludwig, Sedimentary Geology,312, 63.75. (2014)
  76. The geochemistry of deep-sea coral skeletons: A review of vital effects and applications for palaeoceanography
    L. F Robinson, J. F Adkins, N. Frank, A. C Gagnon, N. G Prouty, E Brendan Roark, T. van de Flierdt
    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99, 184-198 (2014)
  77. Sedimentation patterns on a cold-water coral mound off Mauritania
    M. Eisele, N. Frank, C. Wienberg, J. Titschack, F. Mienis, L. Beuck, N. Tisnerat-Laborde, D. Hebbeln
    Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography,99,307-315 (2014)
  78. A geochemical perspective on Parisian urban history based on U�Th dating, laminae counting and yttrium and REE concentrations of recent carbonates in underground aqueducts
    Edwige Pons-Branchu, Eric Douville, Matthieu Roy-Barman, Emmanuel Dumont, Philippe Branchu, François Thil, Norbert Frank, Louise Bordier, Wolfgang Borst, Quarternary Geochronology, 24, 44-53 (2014)
  79. Comparison of kinect and terrestrial LiDAR capturing natural Karst Cave 3-D objects
    M. Hämmerle, B. Höfle, J. Fuchs, A. Schröder-Ritzrau, N. Vollweiler, and N. Frank
  80. Global ocean conveyor lowers extinction risk in the deep sea
    L.-A. Henry, N. Frank, D. Hebbeln, C. Wienberg, L. Robinson, T. van de Flierdt, M. Dahl, M. Douarin, C. L Morrison, M. López Correa, A.D Rogers, M. Ruckelshausen, J. M. Roberts Deep Sea Research Part II, 99, 184-198, (2014)
  81. Li/Mg systematics in scleractinian corals: Calibration of the thermometer
    P. Montagna, M. McCulloch, E. Douville, M. López Correa, J. Trotter, R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, D. Dissard, C. Ferrier-Pagès, N. Frank, A.Freiwald, S. Goldstein, C. Mazzoli, S. Reynaud, A. Rüggeberg, S. Russo, M. Taviani, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132,288-310 (2014)
  82. Late Miocene to early Pliocene climate variability off NW Africa (ODP Site 659)
    C. Colin, G. Siani, Z. Liu, D. Blamart, C. Skonieczny, Y. Zhao, A. Bory, N. Frank, S. Duchamp-Alphonse, F. Thil, T. Richter, C. Kissel, J. Gargani, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 401, 81-95 (2014)
  83. Multi-proxy evidence for human-induced deforestation and cultivation from a late Holocene stalagmite from middle Java, Indonesia
    Hartmann, A., Eiche, E., Neumann, T., Fohlmeister, J., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Mangini, A., Haryono, E.
    Chemical Geology 357, 8-17 (2013)
  84. Moroccan speleothem and tree ring records suggest a variable positive state of the North Atlantic Oscillation during the Medieval Warm Period
    Wassenburg, J. A., Immenhauser, A., Richter, D. K., Niedermayr, A., Fietzke, J., Scholz, D., Jochum, K. P., Fohlmeister, J., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Sabaoui, A., Riechelmann, D. F. C., Schneider, L. and J. Esper
    Earth and Planetary Sience Letters, 375, 291-302 (2013)
  85. Disequilibrium carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in recent cave calcite: Comparison of cave calcite and model data
    Riechelmann, D. F. C., Deininger, M., Scholz, D., Riechelmann, S., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Spötl, C., Richter, D. K., Mangini, A., Immenhauser, A., Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 103, 232-244 (2013)
  86. Millennial-scale climate variability during the last 12.5 ka recorded in a Caribbean speleothem
    Fensterer, C., Scholz, D., Hoffmann, D., Spötl, C., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Horn, C., Pajón, J.M., Mangini, A.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, 143-151 (2013)
  87. Cross dating (Th/U-14C) of calcite covering prehistoric paintings at Serra da Capivara National Park, Piaui, Brazil
    M. Fontugne, Q. Shao, N. Frank, F. Thil, N. Guidon, E. Boeda, Radiocarbon, 55, 1191-1198 (2013)
  88. Decadal changes in the mid-depth water mass dynamic of the Northeastern Atlantic margin (Bay of Biscay)
    J.C. Montero-Serrano, N. Frank , N. Tisnérat-Laborde, C. Colin, C.C. Wu, K. Lin, C.-C. Shen, K. Copard, C. Orejas, A. Gori, L. De Mol, D. Van Rooij, G. Reverdin, E. Douville, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 364, 134-144 (2013)
  89. A high-resolution coral-based 14C record of surface water processes in the Western Mediterranean Sea
    N. Tisnérat-Laborde, P. Montagna, M. McCulloch, G. Siani, S. Silenzi, N. Frank, Radiocarbon, 55, 1617-1630 (2013)
  90. 210Pb-226Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef
    P. Sabatier, J.-L. Reyss, J. M. Hall-Spencer, C. Colin, N. Frank, N. Tisnérat-Laborde, L. Bordier, and E. Douville, Biogeosciences, doi:10.5194/bgd-8-12247-2011 (2012)
  91. ESR and ESR/U-series dating study of several middle Palaeolithic sites of Pléneuf-Val-André (Brittany, France): Piégu, Les Vallées, and Nantois
    Bahain, J.J., Falguères, C., Laurent, M., Shao, Q., Dolo, J.M., Garcia, T., Douville, E., Frank, N. Monnier, J.L., Hallégout, B., Laforge, M., Huet, B., Auguste, P., Liouville, M., Serre, F., Gagnepain, J., Quaternary Geochronology (2012), doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.013
  92. GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth elements in seawater and marine particulates - Part 1: international intercomparison
    Tina van de Flierdt, Katharina Pahnke, and GEOTRACES intercalibration participants (Hiroshi Amakawa, Per Andersson, Chandranath Basak, Christophe Colin, Kirsty Crocket, Martin Frank, Norbert Frank, Steven L Goldstein, Vineet Goswami, Brian A. Haley, Ed C. Hathorne, Sidney R. Hemming, Gideon M. Henderson, Catherine Jeandel, Kevin Jones, Katharina Kreissig, Francois Lacan, Ellen E. Martin, Derrick R. Newkirk, Leopoldo Pena, Alexander M. Piotrowski, Catherine Pradoux, Howie D. Scher, Hans Schöberg, Sunil Kumar Singh, Hirofumi Tazoe, Derek Vance, Jingjing Yang, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10, 234-251 (2012)
  93. Late Miocene to early Pliocene climate variability off NW Africa (ODP Site 659)
    C. Colin, G. Siani, Z. Liu, D. Blamart, C. Skonieczny, Y. Zhao, A. Bory, N. Frank, S. Duchamp-Alphonse, F. Thil, T. Richter, C. Kissel, J. Gargani, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 401, 81-95 (2014)
  94. Tsunami deposits in Santiago Island (Cape Verde archipelago) as a possible evidence of massive flank failure of Fogo volcano
    R. Paris, T. Giachetti, J. Chevalier, H. Guillou, N. Frank, Sedimentary Geology 239, 129-145 (2013) (go to)
  95. Millennium scale intermediate water variability in the Northeast Atlantic as recorded by deep-sea corals
    K. Copard, C. Colin, G. Henderson, J. Scholten, E. Douville, N. Frank, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 313, 34-44 (2012) (go to)
  96. The climate influence on the mid-depth east Atlantic gyres viewed by cold-water corals
    J.C. Monterro-Serrano, N. Frank, C. Wienberg, M. Eisele, C. Colin, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, doi:10.1029/2011GL048733, 1-6 (2011) (go to)
  97. U redistribution in organic rich sediments from the Mediterranean Sea (Sapropels)
    A. Gourgiotis, J. L. Reyss, N. Frank, G3, 12, doi:10.1029/2011GC003646, 1-15 (2011)
  98. Microborer ichnocoenoses in Quaternary corals from New Caledonia: reconstructions of paleowater depths and reef growth strategies in relation to environmental changes
    Rémy Richet, Véronique Chazottes, Guy Cabioch, Norbert Frank, George S Burr, Quaternary Science Review, 30, 19-20, 2827-2838 (2011)
  99. New ESR/U-series data for the early Middle Pleistocene site of Isernia la Pineta, Italy
    Q. Shao, J.-J. Bahain, C. Falguères, C. Peretto, M. Arzarello, A. Minelli, U. T. Hohenstein, J.-M. Dolo, T. Garcia, N. Frank, E. Douville, Radiation Measurements, 46(9), 847-852 (2011) (go to)
  100. Nd isotopic composition of water masses and dilution of the Mediterranean outflow along the South-West European margin
    K. Copard, C. Colin, N. Frank, C. Jeandel, Montero Serrano J.-C, G. Reverdin and B. Ferron, G3, doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003529 (2011) (go to)
  101. Productivity controlled cold-water coral growth periods during the last glacial off Mauritania
    M. Eisele, N. Frank, C. Wienberg, D. Hebbeln, M. López Correa, E. Douville, and A. Freiwald, Marine Geology, 280, 143-149 (2011) (go to)
  102. Northeastern Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and climate
    Frank, N., Freiwald, A., Lopez Correa, M., Eisele, M., Hebbeln, D., Wienberg, C., van Rooij, D., Colin, C., van Weering, T., de Haas, H., Roberts, M., Buhl-Mortensen, P., B. de Mol, Douville, P., Blamart, D., and Hatte, C.
    Geology, 39, 743-746 (2011) (go to)
  103. Revisiting the Quaternary development history of the western New Caledonian shelf system: From ramp to barrier reef
    L.F.Montaggioni, G. Cabioch, N. Thouveny, N. Frank, T. Sato, A.-M. Sémah, Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.12.001 (2011) (go to)
  104. The importance of the terrigenous fraction within a cold-water coral mound: A case study
    Hans Pirlet, Christophe Colin, Mieke Thierens, Kris Latruwe, David Van Rooij, Anneleen Foubert, Norbert Frank, Dominique Blamart, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Rudy Swennen, Frank Vanhaecke and Jean- Pierre Henriet
    Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.05.008 (2010)
  105. Glacial cold-water coral growth in the Gulf of Cádiz: Implications of increased palaeo-productivity
    Claudia Wienberg, Norbert Frank, Kenneth N. Mertens, Jan-Berend Stuut, Furu Mienis, Margarita Marchant, Dierk Hebbeln, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 298, (3-4), 405-416 (2010) (go to)
  106. Cold-water coral mounds on the Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz: the MiCROSYSTEMS approach
    Van Rooij, Blamart, D., De Mol, L., Mienis, F., Pirlet, H., Wehrmann, L.M., Barbieri, R., Maignien, L., Templer, S.P., de Haas, H., Hebbeln, D., Frank, N., Larmagnat, S., Stadnitskaia, A., Stivaletta, N., van Weering, T., Zhang, Y., Hamoumi, N., Cnudde, V., Duyck, P., Henriet, J.-P. & the MiCROSYSTEMS MD 169 shipboard party
    Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.08.012 (2010)
  107. Cold-water coral ecosystems in the Penmarc�h and Guilvinec canyons (Bay of Biscay): deep-water versus shallow water settings
    Lies De Mol, David Van Rooij, Hans Pirlet, Jens Greinert, Norbert Frank, Frédéric Quemmerais, Jean-Pierre Henriet, Marine Geology COCARDE special issue, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.04.011 (2010)
  108. Neodymium isotopic composition of deep-sea corals from the NE Atlantic: implications for past hydrological changes during the Holocene
    C. Colin, N. Frank, K. Copard, E. Douville, Quaternary Science Reviews 29, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.05.012 (2010)
  109. Nd isotopes in reef forming cold-water corals from the Northeastern Atlantic
    K. Copard, C. Colin, E. Douville, A. Freiwald, G. Gudmundsson, B. de Mol and N. Frank, Quaternary Science Reviews 29, DOI : 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.05.025 (2010)
  110. The importance of the terrigenous fraction within a cold-water coral mound: A case study
    Hans Pirlet, Christophe Colin, Mieke Thierens, Kris Latruwe, David Van Rooij, Anneleen Foubert, Norbert Frank, Dominique Blamart, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Rudy Swennen, Frank Vanhaecke and Jean- Pierre Henriet
    Marine Geology, (2010), doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.05.008
  111. Rapid and precise 230Th/U dating of ancient carbonate using inductively coupled plasma-source quadrupole mass spectrometry
    Douville. E., Sallé, E., Frank, N., Eisele, M., Pons-Branchu, E; Ayrault, S., Chemical Geology, 272, 1-11, (2010)
  112. Diagenetic formation of gypsum and dolomite in a cold-water coral mound in the Porcupine Seabight, off Irleand
    H. Pirlet, L.W. Wehrmann, B. Brunner, N. Frank, J. Dewanckele, D. Van Rooij, A. Foubert, R. Svennen, L. Naudts, M. Boone, V. Cnudde, J.P. Henriet, Sedimentology, 57, 786-805 (2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2009.01119
  113. Diagenetic processes in carbonate mound sediments at the southwest Rockall Trough margin
    C. van de Land, F. Mienis, H. de Haas, N. Frank, R. Swennen, T. van Weering, Sedimentology, 57, 912-931 (2010)
  114. The Holocene occurrence of cold-water corals in the NE Atlantic: Implications for coral carbonate mound evolution
    N. Frank, E. Ricard, A. Paque, C. van der Land, C. Colin, D. Blamart, A. Foubert, D. van Rooij, J.-P. Henriet, H. de Haas, T. van Weering, Marine Geology 266, 129-142 (2009)
  115. Morphology and sedimentology of (clustered) cold water coral mounds at the south Rockall Trough margins, NE Atlantic Ocean
    H. de Hass, F. Mienis, N. Frank, T. Richter, R. Steinbacher, H. de Stigter, C. van der Land, T. van Weering
    FACIES 55, 1-26 (2009)
  116. The chronology and structure of the western New Caledonian barrier reef tracts
    G. Cabioch, L. Montaggioni, G. Camoin, V. Chazottes, H. Dalamasso, N. Frank, C. Payri, M. Pichon, T. Sato Anne-Marie Semah & N. Thouveny, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 268, 91-105 (2008)
  117. Variations of sea level and of Northern African climate between 6,2 and 4,9 Myr ; relationships with the Messinian Salinity Crisis
    F. Seguini, C. Colin, G. Siani, D. Blamart, C. Kissel, S. Giunta, J.-P. Suc, F. Orsag-Sperber, Z. Liu,N. Frank, L. Briqueu, C.R. Géoscience, 340, 749-760 (2008)
  118. Successive reef depositional events along the Marquesas foreslopes (French Polynesia) since 26 ka
    G. Cabioch, L. Montaggioni, N. Frank, C. Seard, E. Sallé, C. Payri, B. Pelletier, and M. Paterne, Marine Geology, 254, 18-34 (2008)
  119. Carbonate mounds in a mud volcano province off northwest Morocco: key to processes and controls
    Anneleen Foubert, D. Depreiter, Tim Beck, Loïs Maignien, Bart Pannemans, Norbert Frank, Dominique Blamart & Jean-Pierre Henriet, Marine Geology 248, 74-96 (2008)
  120. Transferring radiometric dating of the last Interglacial sea level high stand to marine and ice core records
    C. Waelbroeck, N. Frank, J. Jouzel, F. Parrenin, V. Masson-Delmotte, D. Genty, EPSL, 265, 183-194 (2008)(go to)
  121. Carbonate precipitation, U series dating, and U-isotopic variations in a Holocene travertine platform from Bad Langensalza - Thuringia Basin
    N. Frank, A. Mangini, B. Kober, Quaternaire (07/2006)(go to)
  122. Open system U-series ages of corals from a subsiding reef in New Caledonia: Implications for Holocene sea level rise, and subsidence rate
    N. Frank, L.Turpin, G. Cabioch, D. Blamart, C. Colin, M. Tressens-Fedou, P. Bonhomme, and P. Jean-Baptist
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249, 274-289 (2006)(go to)
  123. Evolution of weathering patterns in the Indo-Burman Ranges over the last 280 kyr: Effects of sediment provenance on 87Sr/86Sr ratios tracer
    C. Colin, L. Turpin, D. Blamart, N. Frank, C. Kissel, C Duchamp, G3, 7 (3), doi:10.1029/2005GC000962 (2006)(go to)
  124. Sediment and East Asian Monsoon intensity over the last 450 kyr - Mineralogical and geochemical investigation on the South China Sea sediments
    S. Boulay, C. Colin, A. Trentesaux,N. Frank and Z. Liu, PPP 228, 260-277 (2005)(go to)
  125. Late Quaternary climatic control on erosion and weathering in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Mekong Basin
    Z. Liu, C. Colin, A. Trentesaux, G. Siani, N. Frank, D. Blamart, S. Farid, Quaternary Research 63, 316-328 (2005)(go to)
  126. Kinematics of the Gulf of Corinth inferred from calcite dating and syntectonic sedimentary characteristics
    Causse, I. Moretti, R. Eschard, L. Micarelli, B. Galeb, and N. Frank, C.R. Geoscience, Tectonics 336, 281-290 (2004)(go to)
  127. Eastern North Atlantic deep-sea corals: Tracing upper intermediate water ?14C during the Holocene
    N. Frank, M. Paterne, L. Ayliffe, T. Van Weering, J.-P. Henriet, and D. Blamart, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219, 297-309 (2004)(go to)
  128. A new technique for precise uranium-series dating of travertine micro-samples
    R. Mallick and N. Frank, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66/24, 4261-4272 (2002)(go to)
  129. Start of the last interglacial period at 135 ka: Evidence from a high Alpine stalagmite
    Spötl, A. Mangini, N. Frank, R. Eichstädter, S. Burns, Geology 30, 815-818 (2002)(pdf)
  130. 230Th/U dating of the Trojan water quarries
    N. Frank, A. Mangini, and G. Wagner, Archeometry 44/2, 305-314 (2002) (go to)
  131. Warm-period growth of travertine during the last interglaciation in southern Germany
    N. Frank, M. Braun, U. Hambach, A. Mangini and G.Wagner, Quaternary Research 54, 38-48 (2000) (go to)
  132. A record of changing redox conditions in the northern Pem Basin during the Late Quaternary deduced from Mn/Fe and growth rate variations in two diagenetic manganese nodules
    Bollhöfer, N. Frank, S. Roloff., A. Mangini, J. Scholten, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 170, 297-309 (1999)(go to)
  133. Explaining discrepant depth profiles of 234U/238U and 230Thexc in Mn-crusts
    U. Neff, A. Bollhöfer, N. Frank and A. Mangini, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 63, 2211-2218, (1999) (go to)
  134. Protactinium determination in manganese crust VA13/2 by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS)
    J. Fietzke, A. Bollhöfer, N. Frank, and A. Mangini, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res., B 149, 353 - 360 (1998) (go to)
  135. Variations of biogenic particle flux in the southern Atlantic section of the Subantarctic Zone during the late Quaternary: Evidence from sedimentary 231Paex and 230Thex
    T. Asmus, M. Frank, C. Koschmieder, N. Frank, R. Gersonde, G. Kuhn and A. Mangini, Marine Geology 159, 63 - 78 (1998)(go to)
  136. Speleothem-based paleoclimate record from northern Oman
    S. Burns, A. Matter,N. Frank and A. Mangini, Geology 26, 499 - 502 (1998) (go to)
  137. Coral provides way to age deep water
    Mangini, M. Lomitschka, R. Eichstädter, N. Frank, S. Vogler, G. Bonani, I. Hajdas and J. Pätzold, Nature 392, 347 (1998) (go to)
  138. Thorium and uranium isotopes in a manganese nodule from the Peru Basin via alpha spectrometry and thermal ionization mas spectrometry (TIMS): Are manganese supply and growth related to climate?
    Bollhöfer, A. Eisenhauer, N. Frank, D. Pech and A. Mangini, Geologische Rundschau 85, 577 - 585 (1996) (go to)
  139. A simplified procedure for the measurement of 231Pa in Mn encrustations
    N. Frank and A. Mangini, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Section B 101, 258 - 262 (1995) (go to)


dolphin sprining

Please find below some impressions of our work through images of field work, laboratories and our off work activities as a team. We also provide images from running field work in case we are at sea or in other places in the news section.

Erdmanns Cave near Hasel (2022)

With the end of the Pandemic approaching the Erdmanns Cave in the South of Germany near Hasel has gotten the attention of the team around Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Sophie Warken, Nils Schorndorf, Aaron Mielke, Rene Eichstädter and of course many local scientists and guides. We have started installing monitoring equipement and we explore the ages and climate records of the speleothems. We greatly hope, this cave will offer many anwers to our research questions regarding the transfer of climate information from the soil into the carboante archives.

Erdmanns cave insights

Puerto Rico (Larga Cave) and Mexico 2022

Recently, in march 2022 Sophie Warken and Nils Schorndorf were in Puerto Rico to study speleothems in Larga Cave and to exchange results with local scientists and archeologists. On Saturday 12th March Norbert Frank joined the team in Mexico to visit several caves and cenotes with local scientists and colleagues as part of a new German Science Foundation project. The following impressions highlight only a few of the aspects of the very rich field trips.

Images from Mexico 2022


Puerto Rico (Larga Cave) 2019

In March 2019 Sophie Warken and Rolf Vieten (Hebrew University Israel) took three students to Puerto Rico to take up scientific work on the Hurrican imprint on the geochemical and isotopic composition of cave drip water and speleothem carbonate. During the field trip numerous carbonate deposits have been investigated, drip water collected, and the cave was further explored for its scientific value. This project was funded by Heidelberg University to initiate a work program leading to a new scientific proposal.

a few slides from the field trip to puerto rico part 1

slides puerto rico part 2


Logo Athena Ausfahrt Research Cruise M151 - ATHENA

From the 6. October to the 31. October 2018 the RV Meteor explored the slopes of the Azores and its southwestern seamounts, including Great Meteor Seamount, as part of the ATHENA research project. A scientific team composed of marine biologists, geologists, and environmental physicists were on board to collect seawater, sediment and fossil cold-water corals ultimately to reconstruct past thermocline water and ecosystem dynamics. Find our  weekly reports . here, and further information on the scientific cruise report will appear soon. Lasty there is a cruise blog with some short stories in German at MARUM

map of cruise track

RV Meteor

on board activities of sampling

further activities

Rov images with cold-water corals

further activities on Meteor to collect samples


Logo UFO Ausfahrt  Research Cruise M141-2 UFO

From the 5. October to the 19. October the RV Meteor transits from the Azores to the Black Sea through the Mediterranean Sea. We, Evan, Norbert, Marleen and Patrick join the cruise to collect seawater that would allow high precision measurements of geochemical constituents, in particular the natural isotopic composition of U. It has been proposed that the natural 234U/238U ratio may serve as a tracer of continental weathering. We intent to collect water in a few places study the difference between Atlantic and Mediterranean seawater. Hopefully, this will allow to obtain a new fingprint of Mediterranean continental weathering. A second part of our scientific program concerns the measurement of the solar attenuation including the effect of water vapor. This part will be conducted by a colleague from the NASA's AERONET group. Find more information about the solar attenuation measurements on the webside of the maritime aerosol network. Find our short cruise report here

map of UFO cruise track

water sampling and treatment

water sampling 2

CTD Rosette put into the sea


The Labs and instruments

We make use of numerous techniques to study, describe, store and document the material we work with. Our repository contains corals and speleothems from all around the world. Once prepared we use mass spectrometric instruments, such as thermal ionization mass spectrometry and laser-ablation coupled to multi-collector inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry (short: LA-MC-ICPMS) or high sensitivity inductively coupled plasma source quadrupole mass spectrometry to measure element and isotope composition of our samples. Look up the service section for the analysis we can provide through scientific cooperation and if you want to learn more see the publications or get in touch .

Labore 1

lbore 2 the radiocarbon lab

Laser ablation and ICPQMS as well as IRMS for clumped isotopes

chemistry lab for the preparation of U and Th extraction


Images from previous research cruises and field trips

The team participates in field work to collect samples from all around the world. The photos are snapshots providing a glance on what it is like to be on sea. The remotely operate vehicle (ROV) Victor 6000 belongs to the marine research infra-structure IFREMER and all rights on using those photos belong to IRFREMER and the cruise chief scientist. Other equipments are sediment traps, long gravtiy or box cores and the new ROV - Squid from Marum. Finally, water is collected using conventional CTD (Conductivity=salt; temperature; and depth) - Rosette with 24 Niskin bottles of 10 litres each.

bobeco cruise 2011

bobeco cruise 2011 2

marion dufresne and pourquois pas cruises 2008 and 2011

icectd cruise 2012

banana - bowed gravity core


Team events ...

We celebrate our scientific success and invest in a strong team through group events and group retreats. Our latest team event was a hike through the Palatina forest during an incredible hot day near Neustadt (Pfalz).

hikeing group 2023

Bowling and ice skating at the Christmas Market has become team must ...

Christmas 2022

In 2019 we just have been in Bussang (France) funded by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Foundation for a retreat regarding team theories and management including some new science. In 2018 we have had a field trip to the Eberstadter cave. In 2016 we have visited the waterfalls of Bad Urach . In 2015 we have spent a few days on scientific writing funded by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Foundation for which we stayed at the KLJB Bildungshaus Fiegenstall . The year before we went caneoing on the Elsenz and bowling and sometimes we just celebrate remarkable events such as the 40 years of environmental physics.

retreat in bussag (france) 2019

group retreat 2018

canoing 1

canoing 2

group retreat 2015


Movies ...

Here we propose a selection of movies that cover aspects of our work or the scientific field.

bobeco movie on youtube Andy Wheeler on TED about a coral mound message movie by Laura Robinson gut zu wissen